Potencial Millonario felicita a Manny Ruiz de Hispanicize inducido al salón de la fama de Alumnos en Dade College

Por este medio queremos felicitar un gran amigo de Potencial Millonario Media, Manny Ruiz  por ser inducido al salón de la fama de Miami Dade College .  Manny Ruiz mediante Hispanicize ha sido instrumental en el crecimiento de Potencial Millonario Media.

Gracias y Muchas felicidades

Felix A. Montelara, Autor y creador de Potencial Millonario

 Source: http://www.hispanicizewire.com IMG_20150319_105850597

“Without Miami Dade, I wouldn’t have been able to go to college because back then I couldn’t afford it and I was an academic failure in high school who only excelled in journalism”

Hispanicize Founder Manny Ruiz inducted into Miami Dade College Alumni Hall of Fame

MIAMI, FL – April 24, 2015 – Hispanicize founder Manny Ruiz was recently inducted into the Miami Dade College Alumni Hall of Fame.

A serial media entrepreneur and award winning marketing professional, journalist and photographer, IMG_2391Ruiz was recognized for his achievements in the field of marketing and advertising. He graduated 23 years ago with an associates in arts degree from Miami Dade College, the largest and most diverse college/university in the nation. The college specifically cited Ruiz’s achievement in creating the annual Hispanicize event, one of the most prestigious gatherings of U.S. Latino influencers in the nation.

“I’m extremely honored to be in the company of many great alumni who got their first big chance at higher education at Miami Dade,” said Ruiz, who was the former co-editor-in-chief of the Metropolis, the nationally recognized college newspaper. “Without Miami Dade, I wouldn’t have been able to go to college because back then I couldn’t afford it and I was an academic failure in high school who only excelled in journalism.”

Ruiz was inducted into the college’s alumni hall of fame at a beautiful gala April 9th alongside 26 other alumni that included doctors, engineers, best-selling authors and more.

Miami Dade College President Dr. Eduardo Padrón personally handed Ruiz his award, something that had a particularly symbolic importance to him.

“It was especially fitting that Dr. Padrón awarded me because our newspaper staff deeply appreciated his commitment to a free press and to funding our newspaper – even when we were critical of school administrators,” said Ruiz. “For many of us who have gone on to become editors and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists, Dr. Padrón is a champion mentor.”IMG_2372

Career Achievements and Past honors

An accomplished media entrepreneur and award-winning communications industry leader, Ruiz has more than 20 years in Hispanic media, marketing, social media and marketing.

In addition to serving as the founder and creative director of the annual event Manny is chairman of the Hispanicize brand of platforms that also include DiMe Media (formerly Latina Mom Bloggers), Hispanicize Wire and the Hispanic PR Blog. In addition, Manny is a large shareholder of the Being Latino platform and publishes his own personal blog PapiBlogger.

A former Miami Herald journalist and Hispanic Public Relations Association (HPRA) PR Professional of the Year, Manny was a part of the Herald team that won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of Hurricane Andrew. He is frequently featured in national media outlets to discuss business, entertainment and marketing trends, along with parenting from a father’s perspective. Manny has been featured in a host of shows, national media and trade media outlets including CNN en Español, Despierta America, USA Today, NPR, The Miami Herald, and more. He also frequently serves as a national Spanish-language spokesperson for brands include State Farm and Best Western.

Prior to founding the Hispanicize-related platforms, Manny was President of Multicultural Markets and Hispanic PR Wire for PR Newswire. Prior to PR Newswire’s acquisition of Hispanic PR Wire, Hispanic Digital Network and LatinClips in 2008, companies he founded, Ruiz was Chairman and CEO of HispaniMark, the parent company of these three businesses.

Ruiz, who has been named one of the 100 most influential Hispanics in the U.S. by Latino Leaders Magazine and in 2014 was awarded the Key to the City of Miami by Mayor Tomás Regalado for making Miami a magnet for Latino trendsetters and newsmakers. He also received the 2014 Miami Magnet Award by the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) for positively impacting Greater Miami and the beaches.

Prior to founding his various media companies Manny was a professional photographer whose documentary work about Cuba won numerous awards. His photography work has also been exhibited in various South Florida arts institutions including Horstt, Florida International University and Books and Books. Several of Ruiz’s photographs are part of the permanent collection of the Cuban Heritage Collection of the University of Miami.

Potencial Millonario felicita a Manny Ruiz de Hispanicize inducido al salón de la fama de Alumnos en Dade College

Por este medio queremos felicitar un gran amigo de Potencial Millonario Media, Manny Ruiz  por ser inducido al salón de la fama de Miami Dade College .  Manny Ruiz mediante Hispanicize ha sido instrumental en el crecimiento de Potencial Millonario Media.

Gracias y Muchas felicidades

Felix A. Montelara, Autor y creador de Potencial Millonario

 Source: http://www.hispanicizewire.com IMG_20150319_105850597

“Without Miami Dade, I wouldn’t have been able to go to college because back then I couldn’t afford it and I was an academic failure in high school who only excelled in journalism”

Hispanicize Founder Manny Ruiz inducted into Miami Dade College Alumni Hall of Fame

MIAMI, FL – April 24, 2015 – Hispanicize founder Manny Ruiz was recently inducted into the Miami Dade College Alumni Hall of Fame.

A serial media entrepreneur and award winning marketing professional, journalist and photographer, IMG_2391Ruiz was recognized for his achievements in the field of marketing and advertising. He graduated 23 years ago with an associates in arts degree from Miami Dade College, the largest and most diverse college/university in the nation. The college specifically cited Ruiz’s achievement in creating the annual Hispanicize event, one of the most prestigious gatherings of U.S. Latino influencers in the nation.

“I’m extremely honored to be in the company of many great alumni who got their first big chance at higher education at Miami Dade,” said Ruiz, who was the former co-editor-in-chief of the Metropolis, the nationally recognized college newspaper. “Without Miami Dade, I wouldn’t have been able to go to college because back then I couldn’t afford it and I was an academic failure in high school who only excelled in journalism.”

Ruiz was inducted into the college’s alumni hall of fame at a beautiful gala April 9th alongside 26 other alumni that included doctors, engineers, best-selling authors and more.

Miami Dade College President Dr. Eduardo Padrón personally handed Ruiz his award, something that had a particularly symbolic importance to him.

“It was especially fitting that Dr. Padrón awarded me because our newspaper staff deeply appreciated his commitment to a free press and to funding our newspaper – even when we were critical of school administrators,” said Ruiz. “For many of us who have gone on to become editors and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists, Dr. Padrón is a champion mentor.”IMG_2372

Career Achievements and Past honors

An accomplished media entrepreneur and award-winning communications industry leader, Ruiz has more than 20 years in Hispanic media, marketing, social media and marketing.

In addition to serving as the founder and creative director of the annual event Manny is chairman of the Hispanicize brand of platforms that also include DiMe Media (formerly Latina Mom Bloggers), Hispanicize Wire and the Hispanic PR Blog. In addition, Manny is a large shareholder of the Being Latino platform and publishes his own personal blog PapiBlogger.

A former Miami Herald journalist and Hispanic Public Relations Association (HPRA) PR Professional of the Year, Manny was a part of the Herald team that won a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of Hurricane Andrew. He is frequently featured in national media outlets to discuss business, entertainment and marketing trends, along with parenting from a father’s perspective. Manny has been featured in a host of shows, national media and trade media outlets including CNN en Español, Despierta America, USA Today, NPR, The Miami Herald, and more. He also frequently serves as a national Spanish-language spokesperson for brands include State Farm and Best Western.

Prior to founding the Hispanicize-related platforms, Manny was President of Multicultural Markets and Hispanic PR Wire for PR Newswire. Prior to PR Newswire’s acquisition of Hispanic PR Wire, Hispanic Digital Network and LatinClips in 2008, companies he founded, Ruiz was Chairman and CEO of HispaniMark, the parent company of these three businesses.

Ruiz, who has been named one of the 100 most influential Hispanics in the U.S. by Latino Leaders Magazine and in 2014 was awarded the Key to the City of Miami by Mayor Tomás Regalado for making Miami a magnet for Latino trendsetters and newsmakers. He also received the 2014 Miami Magnet Award by the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) for positively impacting Greater Miami and the beaches.

Prior to founding his various media companies Manny was a professional photographer whose documentary work about Cuba won numerous awards. His photography work has also been exhibited in various South Florida arts institutions including Horstt, Florida International University and Books and Books. Several of Ruiz’s photographs are part of the permanent collection of the Cuban Heritage Collection of the University of Miami.

Potencial Millonario Ep. 78 / Mes de la Educación Financiera y la devoción de la semana

Potencial Millonario Ep. 78 / Mes de la Educación Financiera.

En este episodio 78 de Potencial Millonario de explico porque el usar una tarjeta de crédito para una emergencia no es un plan que te va a llevar muy lejos.   Y como estamos en el mes de la educación financiera te doy la mayoría de las reglas de oro de mi libro potencial millonario y mas importante te explico como aplicarlas y si deseas mas detalles me puedes llamar al 334 3576410 y comunicarnos.

Recuerde que WIQR 1410 ha cambiado de formato al idioma Ingles, lo que quiere decir LOGO EMISORAque no estaremos transmitiendo por Radio AM 1410.   Si vamos a continuar haciendo el programa mediante el Internet vía podcast todos los sábados a las 8:00 am como de costumbre.
También hoy en este programa teSpring mentor kids hablo de como el empeñar el titulo de su auto y algo de valor te puede costar mas que si tuvieras un fondo de emergencias.   Y bueno puede ser que hasta me excite y  le rete a algunos de usted que están sin un plan de emergencia.
Yporultimotenemosladevocion delas semana. Es pero que disfrute de este programa pero sobre todo que pongas en uso lo aprendido.  Sabias que todo en

Felix and Shirley at Hispanicize 2015
Felix and Shirley at Hispanicize 2015

www.PotencialMillonario.com es gratis para usted y solo te pido que le pases la informacion a tus amigos, familiares y otras personas por tus redes sociales,. twitter, Facebook y google.

Bueno gracias a todos por hacer Potencial Millonario numero #1 Blog / Podcast / Radio no tan solo en Alabama pero en las redes sociales.  Felix & Oscar Mesa SprintPotencial Millonario tiene mas de 154,000 visitas en Google+ y cerca de 110,000 visitas en Podbean,com y varios 1,000’s de visitas por Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram y Pintress.
Potencial Millonario Ep. 78 / Mes de la Educación Financiera y la devocion de la semana.
Estamos en sobre 78 países:Spain, México, Argentina, Colombia,Canada,Peru, Ecuador y muchos mas.  Dentro de los Estados Unidos los

El Mundo con Potencial Millonario
El Mundo con Potencial Millonario

Estados con mas visitas en 48 de los estados: Alabama, Florida, California, New York, Nevada, Colorado y muchos mas.

Como te dije anteriormente MUCHAS GRACIAS A USTED.
Potencial Millonario Ep. 78 / Mes de la Educación Financiera y la devoción de la semana


Potencial Millonario Ep.77 / Secretos de la mente millonario, Angel Morales, Riqueza, Educacion Financiera y la devocion de la semana

Hoy les tengo uno de los mejores programa pues los temas estan SUPER…

Les tengo a Ángel Morales de la industrial de los seguros en la conferencia anual de Educación Financiera desde la cuidad de San Antonio, Tx.  El nos explica la importancia de educarse financieramente.  Después te hablo de los Secretos de la mente millonaria y por ultimo te tengo la devocion de la semana la cual te va poner a pensar!  Mas te incluyo los pensamientos de la mente rica y la mente pobre según
el autor Eker del libro: Los Secretos de la Mente Millonaria, que nos dice de los archivos de riqueza. estos son archivos 17 que muestran diferencias entre la manera de pensar de la gente rica y la manera de pensar de la gente pobre (mas que a la cantidad de dinero que puedan poseer se refiere a la mentalidad, la forma en que piensan y actúan).

Book Amazon
Compre Potencial Millonario

Hoy yo le explico los primero dos en este programa de Potencial Millonario Ep. 77.

Pero aquí están escritos los 17 archivos. Espero que lo disfruten pero sobre todo que los pongas en practica.  Porque todos tenemos Potencial Millonario


Felix A. Montelara, Latino Digital Influencer

Archivo de riqueza n° 1:
La gente rica piensa “Yo creo mi vida”. La gente pobre piensa “La vida es algo que me sucede”.

Archivo de riqueza n° 2:
La gente rica juega al juego del dinero para ganar. La gente pobre juega al juego del dinero para no perder.

Archivo de riqueza n° 3:
La gente rica se compromete a ser rica. La gente pobre desearía ser rica.

Archivo de riqueza n° 4:
La gente rica piensa en grande. La gente pobre piensa en pequeño .

Archivo de riqueza n° 5:
La gente rica se centra en las oportunidades. La gente pobre se centra en los obstáculos.

Archivo de riqueza n° 6:
La gente rica admira a otra gente rica y prospera. La gente pobre le molesta la gente rica y prospera.

Archivo de riqueza n° 7:
La gente rica se relaciona con personas positivas y prosperas. La gente pobre se relaciona con personas negativas y sin éxito.

Archivo de riqueza n° 8:
La gente rica esta dispuesta a promocionarse ella misma. La gente pobre piensa de forma negativa en lo referente a la venta y la promoción.

Archivo de riqueza n° 9:
La gente rica es mas grande que sus problemas. La gente pobre es mas pequeña que sus problemas .

Archivo de riqueza n° 10:
Los ricos son excelentes receptores. Los pobres son malos receptores.

Archivo de riqueza n° 11:
Los ricos eligen que se les pague según los resultados. Los pobres eligen que se les pague según el tiempo empleado.

Archivo de riqueza n° 12:
Los ricos piensan “Las dos cosas”. Los pobres piensan “O esto o lo otro”.

Archivo de riqueza n° 13:
Los ricos se centran en su fortuna neta. Los pobres se centran en lo que ganan con su trabajo.

Archivo de riqueza n° 14:
La gente rica administra bien su dinero. La gente pobre administra mal su dinero.
Archivo de riqueza n° 15:
Los ricos hacen que su dinero trabaje mucho para ellos. Los pobres trabajan mucho por su dinero.

Archivo de riqueza n° 16:
Los ricos actúan a pesar del miedo. Los pobres dejan que el miedo los detenga.

Archivo de riqueza n° 17:
Los ricos aprenden y crecen constantemente. Los pobres piensan que ya lo saben.

Para mas informacion sobre Los Secretos de la Mente millonaria pase por este post:
https://www.potencialmillonario.com/Secretos de la mente mllonaria 

[button font_size=”20″ color=”#0080c0″ text_color=”#f2f200″ icon=”certificate” url=”http://millonario.usefedora.com/?affcode=864_irr9ziud” width=”” target=”_blank”]Cursos | El Millonario Inteligente [/button]

Institute for Financial literacy #ACFE2015 Photo Gallery

#ACFE2015 Photo Gallery

Here are photos from the Institute for Financial literacy #ACFE2015 event in San Antonio, Tx.  Photos from  the main Keynote (Jane Rooney) are included, IMG_2435some of the breakout sessions and the sponsor hall.   Please note the EIFLE Award winners and the after hours event on the “Paseo del Rio” better know as the River Walk.  I hope you enjoy the view and if you spot yourself please leave a reflection in the comment section below.

Best regards,Book Amazon

Felix A. Montelara, Author Potencial Millonario

#ACFE2015 Photo Gallery

Institute for Financial literacy- #ACFE2015 Tweets

Here is a what attendees were tweeting about during the #ACFE2015 in San Antonio TX. Keep the conversation going #ACFE2015 10th anniversary.

  1. Leader Jane Rooney spoke on strengthening in Canada at the conference:

    will be ending today. Let the work of fin edu continue all year.

    Embedded image permalink
    1. MT keynote speaker Jane Rooney is answering questions. Please ask!

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    1. MT Rooney speaking on strengthening & needs of Cdians

      Embedded image permalink
  2. La J. Rooney fera son 1er discours à l’international dans un instant! Conf. annuelle sur l’éducation financière

  3. Annual Conference on Financial Education 2015 theme is 2.0 – ensuring effective outcomes

    1. Thrilled w/ our 2 awards for Protecting You & Your Money and Post-Secondary program

      Embedded image permalink
    1. Bravo pour les 2 prix remportés ajd’hui à la Conf annuelle sur la

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  4. excellent session on credit report scoring from Experian.

    1. Annual Conference of Financial Educators San Antonio, Tx. Excellent training.

      Embedded image permalink
  5. In San Antonio for financial literacy!

  6. Getting my learnin on in San Antonio.

  7. Here in beautiful San Antonio for . Looking forward to meeting & learning from other & advocates!


Potencial Millonario Ep. 76 (Entrevista desde Hispanicize 2015 y la Devoción de la Semana)

Potencial Millonario Ep. 76 (Entrevista desde Hispanicize 2015 y la Devoción de la Semana)

Felix & Oscar Mesa Sprint
Felix Y Oscar Masa (Sprint)

Yo disfrute muchísimo de #Hispz15 en Miami y les cuento que pude compartir con muchos con potencial Millonario estaban por todas partes.

Mentor Millonario (Felix A. Montelara) con Miss USA 2015 (Mia Sanchez)

Potencial Millonario Ep. 76 (Entrevista desde Hispanicize 2015 y la Devoción de la Semana)

Fue una gran experiencia reunirme con tantas personas con Potencial Millonario.  Espero poder verte y saludarte en la próxima conferencia.

Este es un programa muy especial fue creado en Miami, FL en el Evento Hispanicize 2015 #hispz15 y te tengo varias entrevista la primera con Oscar Mesa the Sprint quien nos explica el porque Sprint regalo 40 teléfono con servicio gratis a niños Latinos del area de Miami en cooperacion con Aspira. Book AmazonY después la entrevista con Lidia Escobar uno de las 40 estudiantes nos dice como se beneficiara. También les traigo a Myra Soto Mayrablogger que nos enseña como ahorrar dinero al momento de salir de vacaciones.

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Y La entrevista con Daniella Veras tastemade que nos dice que hace en #Miami Hispz15.  No olvide escuchar la devocion de la semana.

Red Carpet Tecla Awads
Red Carpet Tecla Awads

Potencial Millonario Ep. 76 (Entrevista desde Hispanicize 2015 y la Devoción de la Semana)

Spring mentor kids



National Financial Literacy Month is recognized in the United States in April in an effort to highlight the importance of financial literacy and teach Americans how to establish and maintain healthy financial habits.

Amonzon Book cover

In March 2004 the U.S. Senate passed Resolution 316 that officially recognized April as National Financial Literacy Month.

Now the PotentialMillionaire.net blog has joined the ranks of financial literacy institutions such as the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), America saves, crediteducation.com www.financialliteracymonth.com and The Institute fir Financial Literacy, in promoting Financial Literacy Month.

Many of the country’s financial institutions and nonprofit financial educational organizations promote the month by holding promotional events and creating educational materials that center around effectively handling money and dealing with debt.

Institute Financial Literacy #ACFE2015


For more information see:



Potencial Millonario Ep. 75 / Arturo Nava de Logra Tu Dream y La Devoción de la Semana

Potencial Millonario Ep. 75 / Arturo Nava

Potencial Millonario Ep. 75 / Arturo Nava

Como estamos en semana santa hoy comienzo un poco diferente. Comenzamos con la devocion de la semana. Y despues te tengo una gran entrevista con Arturo Nava Influenciador digital Latino que te abres los ojos hacia cómo lograr tus sueños. Si estasen busca de completar tu sueño Americano aquí en en los Estado Unidos (EE.UU) Arturo Nava es el líder que te ayudará a hacer tu sueño realidad. Si te gusto el programa de pase por itunes y deje un review… (como dice en mi barrio). Se puede contactar al 334 357 6410334 357 6410 o medinte www.potencialmillonario.com o simple tweeter @felixmontelara #potencialmilonario.

Espero que disfrutes del program para mas importante que uses lo aprendido y recuerde que todos tenemos Potencial Millonario.

Nuevo Agosto 2015 Nueva entrevista con Arturo Nava de logra tu dream y nos hable de su nuevo libro. El cual nos hace una oferta solo para los que escuchan Potencial Millonario.

Potencial Millonario Ep. 75 / Arturo Nava de Logra Tu Dream y La Devoción de la Semana

English Update August 2015
Arturo Nava talks about his new book at Podcast Movement and offers a free edition to Potencial Millonario’s community
Potencial Millonario Ep. 75 / Arturo Nava de Logra Tu Dream y La Devoción de la Semana

Potencial Millonario Ep. 74- Extra / Shirley Solis: construyendo caracter con hijos y la devocion de la semana


Hoy la creadora de Learning Shower Series y Building Character with Children Program, Shirley Solis  de ShirleySlolis.com

El programa de hoy es para todas esas familias y personas que están pasando por problemas en la familia. Y aunque cuando usted no crea que los problemas se pueden remediar Shirley Solis esta aquí con Potencial Millonario para decirte que si se puede. Shirley Solis nos explica que si es posible mejorar tu situación. Escuche este episodio y déjeme un mensaje en Potencialmillonario.com Book Amazoncon su opinión, ¿Es posible salvar un matrimonio? ¿Se puede criar a los hijos con carácter? o ¿ Vale la pena el divorcio? Tu me dices. Espero que disfruten de la información que nos ofrece Shirley Solis, pero mas importante que pongas en practica lo aprendido.  Recuerde que todos tenemos Potencial Millonario.
Potencial Millonario – Extra #Hispz15
Felix and Shirley at Hispanicize 2015
Felix and Shirley at Hispanicize 2015

Shirley Solis:
Courtesy of : ShirleySolis.com

Potencial Millonario Ep. 74- Extra

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