The Potential Millionaire / Potencial Millonario the Blog and Podcast has been featured on the Radio Bama Network, Logra tu dream and Latino talk podcast Network.
Felix A. Montelara is proud to serve the Latino community through this medium. The Potential Millionaire / Potencial Millonario is a program dedicated to helping its listeners gain financial freedom through discipline, determination, and Biblical inspiration.
The Potential Millionaire / Potencial Millonario internet feed is broadcasted in over 110 countries via, Stitcher Radio, itunes, Podebean, and The Potential Millionaire / Potencial Millonario podcast is broadcasted in Spanish and made in the Alabama, USA. I just want to thank you for reading this notice. Feel free to call 334 357 6410. Or just reach out to me thru the website.
The Potential Millionaire Ep. 67 / Potencial Millonario 67 (Niñas Escuchas, Resumen El Millonario del lado )
En el programa Potencial Millonario de hoy les hablo de la medalla de “Buen Crédito” por la venta de galletas por parte del as Girl Scouts. La organización caritativa genera la mayoría de sus ingresos mediante la venta de sus galletas. Y hace un gran trabajo con las niñas que participan de su programas. Pero la medalla de “Buen Crédito” aunque es una buena idea y que tener mucho cuidado al momento de enseñar los concepto besicos del crédito. Al leer su pagina veo que intentan enseñar como se obtiene y mantiene crédito. Déjeme saber que usted opina de esto.
Hoy también resumo el libro Él Millonario del Al Lado” y explico cuales son los hábitos que describe el libro de como viven los verdadero millonarios en los EE.UU (United States). Pero mas importante como llegaron al estatus de millonarios. se sorprenda de lo que aprender en este programa. Y mas importante hoy les tengo la devocion del semana “Descansar para reflexionar”.
Uno de los mejores libros en finanzas personales en español
En la sección “estirando su dinero “como ahorrar electricidad en su hogar. Por ultimo te enseño como generar, ganar, obtener mucho dinero escuche y te darás cuenta que es posible vivir mejor en esta vida. Pero sobre todo recuerde que todos tenemos Potencial Millonario.The Potential Millionaire Ep. 67 / Potencial Millonario 67 (Niñas Escuchas, Resumen El Millonario del lado )
Meditación Católica: Marcos 1, 21-28
Lectura: ¡Cállate y deja a este hombre! (Marcos 1, 25)
Escuche en Español
Meditación del día Marcos 1: 21-28
En aquel tiempo, Jesús y sus discípulos entraron en Cafarnaún, y cuando el sábado siguiente fue a la sinagoga a enseñar, se quedaron asombrados de su doctrina, porque no enseñaba como los escribas, sino con autoridad. Estaba precisamente en la sinagoga un hombre que tenía un espíritu inmundo, y se puso a gritar: “¿Qué quieres de nosotros, Jesús Nazareno? ¿Has venido a acabar con nosotros? Sé quién eres: el Santo de Dios.” Jesús le increpó: “Cállate y sal de él.” El espíritu inmundo lo retorció y, dando un grito muy fuerte, salió. Todos se preguntaron estupefactos: “¿Qué es esto? Este enseñar con autoridad es nuevo. Hasta a los espíritus inmundos les manda y le obedecen.” Su fama se extendió en seguida por todas partes, alcanzando la comarca entera de Galilea.
Felix A. Montelara, Autor de Potencial Millonario
Potencial Millonario 66- Resumen libro La Transformación Total de su Dinero por Dave Ramsey
En este episodio resumo el el libro por el Autor Dave Ramsey, La Transformación Total de su Dinero. Más le cuento que Ramsey se interesó por la comunidad Latina en los EE.UU al punto que se dedicó por dos años a buscar a un latino que fuera experto en finanzas personales para representarlo a él antes la comunidad latina. Esa persona resulta se mi buen amigo Andres Gutierrez, mejor conocido como el Machete pa’ su billete. Escuche los pasos de bebe ofrecidos por el autor Ramsey y compare con las 11 Reglas de Oro de Potencial Millonario
Potencial Millonario 66- Resumen libro La Transformación Total de su Dinero por Dave Ramsey
En la sección cuidando su dinero -¿El dinero nos puede comprar la Felicidad? Según un estudio el dinero pueden ayudarte adquirir experiencias que pueden proveer memorias imborrables. Pero según el estudio ganar más de $75,000 anualmente no aumenta las oportunidades de ser mas feliz. El estudio señala que es mejor ir al cafetín con amigos y gastar un poco delos $75,000 para enriquecer tu vida y recuerde que todos tenemos potencial millonario.
Potencial Millonario 66- Resumen libro La Transformación Total de su Dinero por Dave Ramsey
Y después en la devocion de las semana ¿La Fe es lo mismo que la esperanza? Escuche y déjame saber que piensas sobre estos temas. Pase por la pagina de contacto y dije su opinión o mire hacia la derecha a la barra verde haga “Click” y deje su mensaje de voz. Podrás ganarte una camiseta (T-Shirt) de Potencial Millonario de parte de este su servidor mejor conocido por el MentorMilonario, Felix A. Montelara y recuerde que todos tenemos potencial millonario
Potencial Millonario 66- Resumen libro La Transformación Total de su Dinero por Dave Ramsey
En el programa de hoy, cuido de niños, regreso al mundo del empleo, resumen del libro Padre Rico Padre Pobre y la devoción de la semana. Todo esto y más en Potencial Millonario 65.
Potencial Millonario Ep. 65- Cuido de nuestros niños Y resumen Padre Rico Padre Pobre. By Felix A. Montelara.
Únete al movimiento de la libertad financiera. Digale, NO a las deudas.
En este programa te explico la opciones cuando nace un bebe nuevo y los dos en la familia trabajan. ¿Quien deja su trabajo? ¿Puedes dejar de trabajar por un tiempo? ¿Tenes cuido de niño? ¿Tienes familias que te puedan ayudar? ¿sabes lo que cuesta pagar por el cuido? Hoy te explico todas las opciones que uno tiene una vez uno se acostumbra a tener dos sueldo pues no es fácil decidir. Y después le hablo del desempleo y como regresar al mundo del trabaja. Y que se puede hacer para mejorar sus posibilidades de obtener el empleo que te mereces. Tienes nuevas habilidades que te permitan emprender tu propio negocio. En La devocion de las semana, Vivir en el AMOR de Dios.
Potencial Millonario Ep. 65- Cuido de nuestros niños Y resumen Padre Rico Padre Pobre
Uno de los mejores libros en finanzas personales en español
Por Último pero no menos importante te resumo el libro Padre Rico Padre Pobre por Robert Kiyosaki. comunicate conmigo a o o al 334 357 6410. Únete al movimiento de la libertad financiera.
Methane is key to sustaining Titan’s thick nitrogen atmosphere. However, methane is destroyed and converted to heavier hydrocarbons irreversibly on a relatively short timescale of approximately 10–100 million years. Without the warming provided by CH4-generated hydrocarbon hazes in the stratosphere and the pressure induced opacity in the infrared, particularly by CH4–N2 and H2–N2 collisions in the troposphere, the atmosphere could be gradually reduced to as low as tens of millibar pressure. An understanding of the source–sink cycle of methane is thus crucial to the evolutionary history of Titan and its atmosphere. In this paper we propose that a complex photochemical–meteorological–hydrogeochemical cycle of methane operates on Titan. We further suggest that although photochemistry leads to the loss of methane from the atmosphere, conversion to a global ocean of ethane is unlikely. The behavior of methane in the troposphere and the surface, as measured by the Cassini–Huygens gas chromatograph mass spectrometer, together with evidence of cryovolcanism reported by the Cassini visual and infrared mapping spectrometer, represents a “methalogical” cycle on Titan, somewhat akin to the hydrological cycle on Earth. In the absence of net loss to the interior, it would represent a closed cycle. However, a source is still needed to replenish the methane lost to photolysis. A hydrogeochemical source deep in the interior of Titan holds promise. It is well known that in serpentinization, hydration of ultramafic silicates in terrestrial oceans produces H2(aq), whose reaction with carbon grains or carbon dioxide in the crustal pores produces methane gas. Appropriate geological, thermal, and pressure conditions could have existed in and below Titan’s purported water-ammonia ocean for “low-temperature” serpentinization to occur in Titan’s accretionary heating phase. On the other hand, impacts could trigger the process at high temperatures. In either instance, storage of methane as a stable clathrate–hydrate in Titan’s interior for later release to the atmosphere is quite plausible. There is also some likelihood that the production of methane on Titan by serpentinization is a gradual and continuous on-going process.
Newspaper article from the Montgomery Independent By BILL RICE, JR. Montgomery Independent
Adorable little Anya Montelara, now 6, was born in Russia with a birth defect called tibial hemimelial, which means she didn’t have tibia bones and certain tissue in her lower legs.
In November of 2010, Anya was adopted by Montgomery parents Jaime Demick, a physics professor at Huntingdon, and her husband Felix Montelara (Jaime kept her maiden name). Felix is a federal law enforcement agent based in Montgomery. The couple also have a seven-year-old son, Nick.
Several months after arriving with her new family, Anya underwent surgery to amputate both legs below the knees. This gave her the option – through prosthetics – of being mobile and living a much more active life.
Staffers at Alabama Artificial Limb first told the couple about an organization known as Magic Moments, a non-profit that grants wishes to Alabama children with life-altering medical conditions.
Anya, they said, might be a candidate for a wish. Mother Jaime contacted the group and filled out an application.
Early this year they learned that Anya’s “Magic Moment” had been granted. She, her big brother and parents would receive a week-long stay at Disney World.
The trip took place in June. To say it was the thrill of a lifetime for Anya (and her brother) would be an understatement of Goofy proportions!
“They absolutely cried when we had to leave,” said Jaime.
The trip was made possible by the generosity of local business Industrial Partners, which not only underwrote the costs of the trip but hosted a memorable send-off or “reveal” party for Anya and her family in May.
“This was something we were very happy to do,” said Nim Frazer, Jr., owner of Industrial Partners. “It was a great way for our employees to participate in a special event.”
Frazer joined the Montgomery regional board of Magic Moments last year, so he knew all about the mission of the organization.
“Every child deserves a chance to smile and be happy, regardless of the circumstances,” he said. “Industrial Partners is committed to what this organization does for children and their families. We are proud to take part in this great organization.”
Before boarding a flight to Orlando, Anya was the guest of honor at a special party hosted at the Industrial Partners office. Staffers, including Frazer’s daughter Mary Blan Frazer, purchased several Disney-themed items such as T-shirts, hats and even a princess dress for Anya. They also had a cookie cake made just for the event. The business also purchased a gift card to be used at Disney World by the family (more on that card later).
“All of this is for us?” said wide-eyed and appreciative Nick upon seeing all of the goodies, remembers Mary Blan.
“You want to make it a big-deal for them,” she added, mentioning that the office staff also provided a count-down calendar to the big trip.
“We can’t thank Nim and his company enough,” said Jaime.
The trip itself was a journey into a happy fantasy land.
“It was like entering an alternate reality – that’s about the only way I can describe it,” she said.
Magic Moments’ families get to stay at Give Kids the World, a separate villa on the sprawling grounds of Disney.
The room where they stayed, which had recently been re-designed, “was really nicer than the home we live in,” said Mom.
Jaime and Kids
Give Kids the World features a Ginger Bread House where families eat (all meals included), a Candyland playground (designed to be used by children with special needs), giant lolly pops, etc.
Every night – a special holiday (including Christmas and Halloween) was celebrated. One night the children participated in an American Idol type talent competition. Each night their children were tucked into bed by a Disney character. When the family returned from visiting one of the theme parks, they discovered that Disney “fairies” had visited their rooms, leaving behind gifts.
As memorable as the amenities and other special touches were, mother Jaime said she was deeply moved by the volunteers in the village. These volunteers, at their own expense, come from around the country to make sure children with medical conditions have even more fun than they would otherwise.
In fact, she was so impressed by the giving spirit of the volunteers, she and her husband plan to volunteer at some point in the future.
“That’s probably something most of your readers don’t know about,” she said. “This might be be something church groups or other organizations might consider doing themselves,” she said.
Jaime said the trip was special for other reasons as well.
“All of these children and their families are dealing with some medical conditions. The staff, the volunteers and Disney do a remarkable job making everyone feel ‘normal’ for a while. Everyone was facing some kind of challenge. It was so nice to not feel like you were being stared at, or reminded that you are different in some way.”
Anya’s medical challenges are actually not nearly as life-altering as many of the other children they interacted with, said Jaime.
“We’re really blessed and fortunate. So many families are facing so much more than we are.”
Anya, who has “princess” prosthetics, is doing quite well and is getting around better every day, said her mom.
The 6-night trip also included free passes to all Disney-owned Parks, as well as other area tourist destinations. For example, the family also made a trip to Sea World (where feeding the dolphins and other Marine animals was one of Anya’s favorite activities).
It rained a great deal while they were there. One day, the family decided to travel a bit and tour the Kennedy Space Center, a side-trip also included at no expense to the family.
About that gift card Industrial Partners provided: The family used it for a Pirates of the Caribbean make-over for the kids, who got to dress up in authentic pirate gear complete with make-up and their own wardrobe assistants.
The pictures themselves were worth the trip and the family has hundreds as Disney provided a disk full of all the pictures taken of the family during their stay.
When visiting all the attractions at Disney, Magic Moments kids got the red- carpet treatment as staffers make sure they don’t have long waits and that any special needs they might have are accommodated.
“They’ve thought of everything,” said Mom.
After such an amazing and unique experience it’s not surprising at all that her children would shed a tear or two on the day they had to leave and come home.
“I felt like crying too,” laughed Jaime.
Once back in town, the family made sure that Frazer and his employees got to view all the pictures.
“We were happy to help make this Magic Moment happen,” said Frazer, who also encouraged other citizens and businesses to consider sponsoring a family for a similar trip (or other Magic Moments wishes).
“There are numerous other children waiting for their ‘magic moment’,” added Frazer, Jr. “Anyone who might be able to help in raising necessary funds to fulfill magic moments for other medically ill and disabled children throughout Alabama, such a gift will be greatly appreciated. To me, there’s no greater joy than being able to make dreams come true for such special and brave children.”
As the pictures that accompany this story show, Magic Moments are indeed possible, moments that no doubt will be remembered and treasured for a lifetime!
Anya Montelara was treated to a trip to Disney World by Magic Moments.
By Lori Quiller
Most little girls wear shorts and T-shirts on the weekends, but not 6-year-old Anya Montelara of Wetumpka. Her standard weekend attire is a little pink dress imprinted with Disney’s stable of princesses on the front, a row of frilly ruffles on the bottom and a pink tiara headband adorned with crystals.
“I have a tutu, too,” she said, looking up from her drawing pad just long enough to flash a keen grin across the table.
“She does,” agreed her mother, Jaime Montelara, “and she’d wear them all every day if we’d let her. She’s our little princess.”
But little Anya isn’t like most 6-year-old little girls. She’s special, and not just because she’s a burst of energy like her 8-year-old brother, Nick. Anya was born with tibial hemimelia, a rare congenital anomaly in which a child is born without an intact tibia bone. Tibial hemimelia is estimated to occur in about 1 in 1,000,000 births. In Anya’s case, she was missing the tibias in her left and right legs.
Because Anya was also born without connective tissue at her knees and ankles, the physicians at Children’s of Alabama advised her parents that amputation of both of her legs at the knees and the use of prosthetics would be Anya’s best option for a full life. She was only 4 at the time.
“We heard about Magic Moments through Anya’s prosthetics group, Alabama Artificial Limb and Orthotics Services in Montgomery. One of their marketing execs saw a Magic Moments exhibit at a conference and told them about Anya,” Jaime said.
Magic Moments is an Alabama-based non-profit organization devoted to granting the wishes of the state’s chronically ill children and their families. But, according to the organization’s executive director, Joyce Spielberger, Magic Moments’ aims are much greater than just granting wishes.
“Magic Moments is not just about fulfilling the dream of a child struggling with illness. We do so much more. Because we are the only wish-granting organization devoted solely to children in Alabama, we are able to establish deep and lasting relationships with the children and families we serve,” Spielberger said. “We grow and strengthen these relationships through programs such as our annual Family Camp, minor league baseball nights and ice cream socials for our previous recipients throughout the year. We are not just about the single magic moment, but rather we become a lasting support network for those we serve.”
Anya, brother Nick and parents Felix and Jaime.
Both parents agreed that the organization’s positive impact on the Montelara family came at a perfect time. Raising a young child with special needs is not only stressful to that child, but the family as a whole. Anya’s wish was to visit Disney World in Florida.
All “wish” children who visit Disney stay the week at Give Kids The World Village, a 70-acre, non-profit resort in Kissimmee, Fla., that creates magical memories for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. The village provides accommodations, donated attractions tickets, meals and more for a cost-free fantasy vacation. Give Kids The World has welcomed more than 122,000 families from all 50 states and more than 74 countries and exists through private and corporate donations.
“Magic Moments paid for everything and made all the arrangements. The volunteers at Give Kids The World Village are incredibly special. They know exactly how to work with the children and families. All the volunteers are on four-hour shifts, and most of them are retired from Disney. There was always some kind of activity for the families and children,” Felix said.
“And ice cream for breakfast was mandatory!” Anya and Nick laughed. It’s true. GKTW launched its Ice Cream For Breakfast awareness and fundraising campaign this summer in celebration of National Ice Cream Day. Anya and Nick certainly didn’t mind the sundaes.
GKTW hosted an abundance of activities to keep the families active during their stay, such as Village Idol, a talent show in which Anya and Nick did their first on-stage performance together – an interpretative dance to the theme from the movie Star Wars – and a visit to the wish tree – a tree that drops special “wish pillows” for children to store their wishes in. But this trip wasn’t just for the kids. GKTW also hosted a 10th anniversary vow renewal for Jaime and Felix, with Anya and Nick standing with their parents in the ceremony.
Another member of the Magic Moments team is Kaitlin Bitz, the statewide coordinator, who coordinates the wish moment from start to finish – from connecting the child with a volunteer, or Magic Maker, to checking in with the family after the wish has been granted.
“One of the best parts of my job is hearing the feedback from Magic Makers as they interact with these kids and get to know these families and share in on the special experience that is a magic moment,” Bitz said. “My favorite part is getting to know these families. I go to the hospital and spend all day visiting with families, listening to their stories, bringing them goodies and making sure they’re taken care of. These families have gotten so used to their only interaction being with doctors and nurses and people not meeting their eyes because no one knows what to say to a parent with a sick child.”
For the Montelaras, the magic made a lasting impression, and one the family would love to share with others.
“We are planning to go back in January and volunteer as a family,” Jaime said. “Anya and Nick are looking forward to giving other children the type of experiences we had while we were there. It’s the only place we’ve ever been where we aren’t different from anyone else because everyone who is there is there with special needs children. The whole family is celebrated so the kids that didn’t have special needs were getting a lot of attention and realized they were special, too. We’re so grateful to Magic Moments for giving us this special time that we want to give something back to other families.”
The Potential Millionaire Ep. 64 / Potencial Millonario 64 ( Pensamiento nuevo, Meta y Objetivos, Plan Financiero 2015)
En el 2015 hay que tener un Nuevo Pensamiento de como vas a manejar tu dinero y proponerte lograr hacer que tu dinero se comporte como tu lo quieres.
Uno de los mejores libros en finanzas personales en español
Tienes que auto disciplinarte a llegar tu las metas y objetivos financieros. En este programa programa te enseño a como puedes lograr alcanzar tus libertad financiera. Ahora tienes que tener un plan. El no tener un plan te lleva a estar sin dinero y debiendo mas cada día. Y al final de programa te hablo de los seguros de vida y porque son parte importante de un plan financiero.
Pensamiento , Meta y Objetivos, Plan Financiero 2015, Y Seguros de vida .
Do you know an educator, organization, book, education program, game or research paper for an EIFLE Award!
If So, this is your opportunity to nominate for the 2015 Excellence In Financial Literacy Education Awards
Deadline January 30, 2015
Excellence In Financial Literacy Education Awards
Honor Excellence. Inspire Achievement.
Has a program, book, game, organization or individual created long-term change to your financial attitude and behavior?
Do you know of an educator who goes above and beyond to help students understand and practice sound money management concepts?
Is there an organization working to make effective financial education ubiquitous in your community?
Have you read a book, for either children or adults, that made financial literacy concepts accessible and actionable?
Have you participated in an education program, for either children or adults, which you feel deserves special recognition?
Do you know of a game that makes financial literacy fun and educational?
Have you read a research paper that shed new light on financial literacy education?
Nominate that educator, organization, book, education program, game or research paper for an EIFLE Award!
Each year, the Institute for Financial Literacy presents the Excellence In Financial Literacy Education (EIFLE) Awards to individuals and organizations that have shown exceptional innovation, dedication and commitment to the field of financial literacy education.
The work of these authors, educators, organizations and researchers inspires others to strive toward excellence as well, increasing the availability and effectiveness of financial literacy education in communities across the country.
The deadline to submit nominations is January 30, 2015. Nomination guidelines and forms can be found at or by calling
We are excited to announce our 10th Annual Conference on Financial Education. For more information, please visit our Conference website at
April 1-3, 2015
The Annual Conference on Financial Education promotes the effective delivery of consumer financial products, services and education by hosting a national event for professionals providing these services.