The first episode of Podcast Movement Sessions Season 2 is here! Featuring Pat Flynn, Felix Montelara, Christina Canters, Troy Heinritz, Ramona Rice and Podcast Movement Co-Founder, Jared Easley. I was part of the second season launch. Here it is for your enjoyment.
1. Observa tu realidad! Mira atentamente tu ambiente laboral. Es este un ambiente donde se respira abundancia? Cuando llegas ahí te sientes lleno de abundancia? O, tienes un viejo computador, una impresora que apenas funciona o trabajas en un escritorio temporario? Nosotros debemos crear el cambio que deseamos. Entonces, toma nota de todo lo que no concuerda con tu nueva vision en tu oficina y cámbialo acorde a tu nueva vision de éxito y abundancia.
2. Acción! Se pro activo. Que trabajo tienes aun pendiente? Que te detiene para terminarlo cuanto antes? Vuélvete organizado, centrado y ocupado! Contacta a tus clientes, escribe esos mails pendientes, pero siempre ten un ojo en tu vision final! No te distraigas en cosas sin importancia. Tu eres el dueño de tus pensamientos, que no sea al revés!
3. Apreciación! Cada día, por los próximos 30 días, comienza tu día de trabajo escribiendo lo que mas amas de lo que haces. Incluye todos los aspectos positivos de tu trabajo. No importa si repites algunos items algún otro día. No hables, escribas o pienses sobre algo que no está saliendo como tu quieres, escribe solamente sobre lo que esta funcionando y lo que continuara funcionando y creciendo para ti.
Trata de crear un ambiente que refleje tu cambio. Cuando te centras en tu vision final y tomas acción para lograrla, el Universo seguirá tus pasos.
Chloë Thomas is considered to be one of the top 10 Ecommerce in the world. Chloë Thomas understands the “Route to Market” concept, which will lead you to profits.
Chloë Thomas is the creator of the eCommerce MasterPlan. Author, speaker, podcast host and expert in eCommerce strategy and marketing.
Chloë has seen many businesses that have struggled to get to grips with eCommerce. In response, Chloë crafted the eCommerce MasterPlan to help companies plan, develop and grow a successful eCommerce business, whilst avoiding the potential pitfalls along the way. A three-part strategy to guide businesses through the process of creating, developing, and marketing an eCommerce business.
The Podcast
In June 2015 Chloë Thomas launched the eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast, which is available weekly showcasing a fascinating eCommerce business person who we can all learn from.
The Book Chloë’s most recent publication is Customer Manipulation: How to Influence your Customers to Buy More and why an Ethical Approach will Always Win.
The Potential Millionaire The millionaire next door 1400×1400 Felix Headshot Profile
Today in the podcast The Potential Millionaire with Felix A. Montelara, Chloë provides you with the tactics and resources to capture the attention of ecommerce customer in an ethical manner. This will increase your sales and it will grow your tribe. You will how to value your customers in a manner that you will bring them back as satisfied customers.
Chloë tells you the people we deal with, our customers, are not just an “Order Number.” Chloë tells you to start a conversation with you customers and provides you with detailed examples of what she calls “The Conversation.”
If you want tactics on how to use Facebook ads and how to take advantage of email lists. If you want to learn more about e-commerce visit Chloë Thomas at
Credit Unions around the United States of America offer Financial Literacy information to its customers and the community at large. Credit unions have established financial literacy programs designed to help teachers and educators.
If you are an educational organization visit your local credit union and seek assistance for your financial education program. Today Elise Shexnayder from SAFE Credit Union talks to us from the Institute for Financial Literacy Educators Conference. Enjoy the interview.
Credit Unions Offer Financial Literacy
Elise Schexnayder SAFE Credit Union on the potential millionaire podcast with Felix A. Montelara |The millionaire next Door
Elise Shexnayder is a financial education coördinator who has taught finance in the Sacramento area since 2009, when she began her career with SAFE Credit Union. She uses her experience to offer a way to take control of your finances and allow your passions and values to control your decisions, putting money into its place, as a tool to reach your goals.
Felix Montelara The Millionaire Next Door, Mentor Millonario, El millonario de al lado
The Potential Millionaire Podcast and Blog is providing financial education resources to all whom wish to learn about financial literacy at low or no cost. Thank you for your support and gifts.
How do we define work today? Women are underpaid, undervalued, and unnoticed in today’s society.
The Potential Millionaire Felix A. Montelara The Millionaire Next Door Podcast Blog
I was raised by a working woman (Mom) and I remember her picking me and my brother up from the sitter, taking us home and have to work on getting everything ready for the next.
But she never let her work define her, while at home she was Mom, sweet, and loving. In today’s program I pay homage to all the women that go out to work everyday to make thier kids and thier personal lives better.
Women, as you well know are not like men, which may have a second person or the support to help with trivial things when “life happens” and gets in the way of work. This may make it harder on working woman to stay longer term at one job. Women go through stages in life such as having a baby, which may make thier jobs challenging since they also have to raise the baby. All this may lead to them taking more time off and just leaving the workforce a period of time. This society today does not comply with.
Working Woman Attire
Making these demands on working mothers harder to succeed at work. However, there are a few things that could be done to better by employers. So, a professional woman’s work life should not define her life and defining what success may look like will surely be helpful. Here is a Forbes Article by contributor Peggy Dexter.
Forbes Woman
(Click here or on Image for full article)
The Potential Millionaire is a made available without charge; Therefore, donations to maintain this information available are greatly appreciated.
Potencial Millonario Ep. 86 / ¿Que harías tu si te llega una suma de dinero inesperado?
En este episodio de Potencial Millonario te hablo sobre varios casos de la vida real en la cual sumas de dinero le han llegado personas inesperadamente y las idiotez que han cometido con el manejo de enormes cantidades de dinero. Malgastando millones de dolares en unos cortos años. Si usted no cree qe es posible gastar miles y ciento de miles o millones de dolares en un corto tiempo te invito a que escuche las idioteces cometida por personas cercana a mi al cual en tenido la dicha, fortuna o la desdicha de que le ha llegado sumas enormes de dinero inesperado.
Si usted es como yo y piensa que algún día recibirás una herencia del tío rico, o se ganara la lotería o si te llega un documento dejándote saber que como parte de una demanda te han otorgado una gran suma de dinero por una demanda litigada. ¿tienes pensado como va a manejar el dinero venidero? O ¿Cometerás las idioteces que cuento en este episodio?
Déjame saber tu opinión y si tienes alguna experiencia vivida sobre esto de dinero inesperado compártelo aquí el los comentarios y si deseas deja un mensaje al 334 357 6410 o deja un mensaje de voz en la barra verde a la derecha de esta pagina de potencial Millonario.
Te invito a que disfrutes de este episodio de Potencial Millonario pero sobre todo que pongas en practica lo aprendido y recuerda que todos tenemos Potencial Millonario.
En este programa Ep. 51 de Potencial Millonario te tengo una entrevista con Andres Gutierrez, Ël Machete para su billete”.
Andres Gutierrez, Ël Machete Pa´su billete¨
Y descubrimos quien es? De donde viene Andres Gutierez? Como llego a ser un Guru en cuanto a las finanzas personales con un programa de radio en cientos de emisoras de costa a costa en los Estados Unidos (EE.UU).
Uno de los mejores libros en finanzas personales en español
Andres también nos cuenta como el le hizo para salir de deudas en su vida personal. Y nos explica con lujo de detalles que hay que hacer para que usted salga de sus deudas.
En la devocion de la semana les explico lo que dice la Biblia sobre la deuda y si tener o cargar deuda es un pecado. Espero que disfruten del programa pero mas importante que pongan en practica los conceptos aprendido. Y recuerde que todos tenemos Potencial Millonario.
Mark Tune from & Felix A. Montelara from comment on Fincon14 while at 70 miles per hour through the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
We take the opportunity to inform you the listener of our most memorable activities while a the conference (FinCon14). We review several of the sessions and even provide you with an insiders’
look into the “Pro” sessions. We comment on the presentations of the following speakers:
Ellie Kay
Jared Easley
Jeff Rose
Jeff Goins
Chris Ducker
We even take you with sound to the streets of New Orleans to the Ignite FinCon venue where Jason Vitug ignited the place with his 5 minute talk and 15 slides. Lastly we make a special mention of Brian Preston and Bo Hanson from The Money Guy.” So, listen up because you are in for the ride.
Hoy entrevisto a Max Martinez, co-fundador de la pagina del Internet Phroogal. Donde Martinez nos explica como podemos beneficiarnos de su pagina. También hoy explico las reglas de oro expuestas en el libro Potencial Millonario y finalmente contestamos sus preguntas enviadas por las redes social como facebook.