Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman

By Felix A. Montelara

Author & Host of The Potential Millionaire

Luke 7:36-50 / New International Version (NIV)

In the last episode of Potential Millionaire, I talked to you about changing your paradigm which means changing the way you see the world.  A paradigm is world view, and sometimes we need to modify what we see in life, so that we can change our bad behaviors into good ones.  There is a saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks- but I think you can, if you are willing to see the world in a different way.  Change is difficult, especially when a person has developed a behavior that has become habitual.  Can people change?  Yes, but it can be a difficult process, and it means constantly working to behave differently.   A paradigm shift may be as drastic as radically altering how we live and act, such as cutting up credit cards so you can’t spend money you don’t have-or it can be as minor as seeing things differently.  For example, do you need to view money as your servant, instead of being a slave to the almighty dollar?  Either way, a paradigm shift goes right along with New Year’s Resolutions- for how can your resolution to do things differently ever succeed, unless you are willing to change how you see the world, unless you are willing to prioritize differently, and unless you are willing to change what is important to you?

 There are many interesting passages in the Bible about paradigm shifts, or in other words, about people making drastic changes to their lives.  After all, many Bible stories are about sinners who find redemption, and resolve to continue their lives in a new direction.  In addition, there are many Bible stories about debt- because Jesus often compared debt, or owing a person money, to sin, which is making a bad choice when you know it is wrong.  In Luke 7:36-50, we are told the story of when Jesus has his feet washed by a sinful woman. 20130724_112110  Jesus had been invited to the home of Simon, who was a Pharisee, and encountered what was probably a prostitute.  The woman wept and wet Jesus’ feet with her tears, dried them with her hair, and anointed his feet with perfume.  The Pharisee was astounded, and doubted Jesus, thinking that “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.”  Jesus seemed to read his mind, and told the Pharisee a parable about two people who had their debts (one large and one small) forgiven for free by the lender, because neither debtor had the money to repay the debts.  Jesus asked the Pharisee, “Now which of them will love him more?”  The Pharisee told Jesus, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven.”  Jesus agreed, but then made an important point about the sinful woman.  Jesus told the Pharisee that he was a person who had sinned little, but he also loved only a little, because the Pharisee did not wash Jesus’ feet, or perfume his body.  Jesus then said that the woman, although very sinful, had washed and perfumed him, showing much love to Jesus.  Jesus said, Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.”  Jesus then said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”  We are then left to assume that the woman’s life has forever changed- because Jesus not only forgave her sins, but he did so in front of a crowd of important people.  She now had the opportunity for a paradigm shift- her whole world had changed.  She had the opportunity to leave behind her old, sinful life of prostitution and begin a new life.  Would it be easy?  No, I don’t think so.  But it is important to remember that Jesus gave her the opportunity to change- and she had to make it happen.

We are likewise given opportunities to change the way we see the world, but it is up to us implement these changes, to stay the course, to commit to the changes.  We all make mistakes, but these mistakes can be forgiven.  But like the woman in the Bible, we must return love to God when we are given forgiveness- we must act on our opportunities and show that we have changed.

In this New Year, do you need to forgive yourself for some past money mistakes?  Do you need to see things differently?  Do you need to take advantage of opportunities and prove that you have seen the errors of your ways?  It is possible for everyone to learn about money, to make it work for them, to become wealthy, to become debt free.  In order to do these things, we need to change how we view money, spending, and debt.  We need to seize the opportunities that God puts before us- if you are learning how to manage your money and live debt free- will repay God with love and be dedicated enough to do it?

Jane Rooney- Canada’s First Financial Literacy Leader


From the Office of;

John C. Linfield

Executive Director

Institute for Financial Literacy


Financial Literacy 2.0 – Ensuring Effective Outcomes

Click Here for 2015 Agenda

Don’t miss the opportunity to showcase your organization at the conference! 


Sponsorship Opportunities


This years Conference provides the perfect platform for those looking to come face to face with attendees from across the country that provide financial literacy services through the education of grades K-College, thought the banking industry, the military and many others working to bring Financial Literacy to the forefront.  It’s a wonderful way to support professional development in our industry, raise visibility for the work you are doing, and network with many professionals in the field.

Sponsor Benefits

  • Support professional development for financial educators and counselors
  • Exhibit/Display tables to raise the visibility of your organization, product or service
  • Complimentary admission to all sessions
  • Dedicated time with conference attendees each day
  • Networking opportunities with financial educators from around the world
  • Recognition in conference materials

If your company is interested in sponsoring the Annual Conference on Financial Education, please contact John Linfield, Executive Director at or call us at (207) 221-3613

About this years Conference

Our Keynote, Jane Rooney is Canada’s first Financial Literacy Leader. Appointed in April 2014, Ms. Rooney works to coordinate financial literacy initiatives by collaborating with stakeholder groups across the country. Her goal is to strengthen the knowledge, skills and confidence of Canadians in dealing with financial matters. The Financial Literacy Leader position is a Governor in Council appointment. Ms. Rooney acts under the instructions of the Commissioner of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC).
Along with Ms. Rooney’s Keynote, programs include developing methods and metrics for classrooms and social media; using strategic partnerships to design and develop financial literacy programs using a university example, and using behavioral economics to incentivize savings at tax time, just to name a few.

In addition, for our 10th anniversary celebration we’re making changes to keep things fresh, exciting and informative.

More Content. We’re adding half a day to the schedule! The first day of the conference will now be a full day rather than our traditional half-day.

More Depth. We’re extending session lengths so presenters and attendees can explore topics in more depth than ever before.

More Practical. We’re re-focusing concurrent session tracks on specific areas of knowledge and skills development, such as Behavioral Economics, Program Development, and Outcome Measurement.

More Hands-On. We’re adding a 2-hour facilitated roundtable workshop so you can brainstorm with your fellow attendees and presenters to develop actionable steps to bring home and begin implementing immediately.

More Networking. We’re adding structured networking opportunities to better support you in meeting new peers, developing professional relationships and identifying potential partnerships. We’re also adding a 1-hour Sponsor Fair to give you more time to speak with sponsors and evaluate the industry resources, products and services that are available.


More Social. We’re adding a low-stress social event so you can “kick back and relax” with fellow attendees and enjoy our host city.


More Value. Despite these changes, the registration fee will remain the same low rate for the third year in a row, giving you even more value for your dollar. Attendance at the annual EIFLE Awards Dinner and Keynote Luncheon will still be included in the basic registration fee.

Please join us to celebrate 10 years of our collective hard work on improving financial literacy in ourselves, our communities and our nation. We look forward to seeing you there!

Check the conference website for our full schedule .


Best regards,

Excellence In Financial Literacy Education Awards Nominations (2015)

Gwen Riase on the Potential Millionaire Podcast | Felix A. Montelara The Millionaire Next Door Gwen Riase on the Potential Millionaire Podcast | Felix A. Montelara The Millionaire Next Door
Do you know an  educator, organization, book, education program, game or research paper for an EIFLE Award!  
 If So, this is your opportunity to nominate for the 2015 Excellence In Financial Literacy Education Awards
 Deadline January 30, 2015
 Excellence In Financial Literacy Education Awards

Honor Excellence. Inspire Achievement.

  • Has a program, book, game, organization or individual created long-term change to your financial attitude and behavior?
  • Do you know of an educator who goes above and beyond to help students understand and practice sound money management concepts?
  • Is there an organization working to make effective financial education ubiquitous in your community?
  • Have you read a book, for either children or adults, that made financial literacy concepts accessible and actionable?
  • Have you participated in an education program, for either children or adults, which you feel deserves special recognition?
  • Do you know of a game that makes financial literacy fun and educational?
  • Have you read a research paper that shed new light on financial literacy education?

Nominate that educator, organization, book, education program, game or research paper for an EIFLE Award!


Each year, the Institute for Financial Literacy presents the Excellence In Financial Literacy Education (EIFLE) Awards to individuals and organizations that have shown exceptional innovation, dedication and commitment to the field of financial literacy education.


The work of these authors, educators, organizations and researchers inspires others to strive toward excellence as well, increasing the availability and effectiveness of financial literacy education in communities across the country.


The deadline to submit nominations is January 30, 2015. Nomination guidelines and forms can be found at or by calling

(207) 221-3663.

Nomination Deadline
January 30, 2015
Awards Presentation
April 1, 2015
Grand Hyatt Hotel
San Antonio, TX
We are excited to announce our 10th Annual Conference on Financial Education. For more information, please visit our Conference website at
April 1-3, 2015

The Annual Conference on Financial Education promotes the effective delivery of consumer financial products, services and education by hosting a national event for professionals providing these services.

Register Today!

Fincert.org22 Cottage Road

South Portland, ME 04106

(207) 221-3615

Know someone who might be interested in this program or others? Share this post with your social networks!  [lnkdinshare][twittertweet][facebooklike]

Nominations- EIFLE Award 2015- Are Now Being Accepted

Blogged By: The Potential Millionaire

Honor Excellence. Inspire Achievement.

  • Has a program, book, game, organization or individual created long-term change to your financial attitude and behavior?
  • Do you know of an educator who goes above and beyond to help students understand and practice sound money management concepts?
  • Is there an organization working to make effective financial education ubiquitous in your community?
  • Have you read a book, for either children or adults, that made financial literacy concepts accessible and actionable?
  • Have you participated in an education program, for either children or adults, which you feel deserves special recognition?
    Do you know of a game that makes financial literacy fun and educational?
  • Have you read a research paper that shed new light on financial literacy education?

Nominate that educator, organization, book, education program, game or research paper for an EIFLE Award! EIFLE logo

Each year, the Institute for Financial Literacy presents the Excellence In Financial Literacy Education (EIFLE) Awards to individuals and organizations that have shown exceptional innovation, dedication and commitment to the field of financial literacy education.

The work of these authors, educators, organizations and researchers inspires others to strive toward excellence as well, increasing the availability and effectiveness of financial literacy education in communities across the country.

The deadline to submit nominations is January 30, 2015. Nomination guidelines and forms can be found at or by calling (207) 221-3663.

2015 EIFLE Awards
EIFLE logoNomination Deadline, January 30, 2015 

Awards Presentation: April 1, 2015

Grand Hyatt Hotel San Antonio, TX

We are excited to announce our 10th Annual Conference on Financial Education.

For more information, please visit our Conference website at

April 1-3, 2015

The Annual Conference on Financial Education promotes the effective delivery of consumer financial products, services and education by hosting a national event for professionals providing these services.ACFElogo

Register Today!

Attendee Registration
Sponsorship Registration
Hotel Reservations

22 Cottage Road South Portland, ME 04106

(207) 221-3615

Rich Man and Lazarus- Parable Interpretation

The parable in Luke 16:19–31

Interpretation by: Felix A. Montelara

Rich Man and Lazarus- Parable Interpretation

Is not about money or rich versus poor, in my opinion is about insensitivity. Yes, not caring for others, can be an indiscretion of omission. Lazarus Ask yourself will my action or lack of action torment me? In the parable, Jesus is telling us that our indiscretions will ultimate affect us. the parable does no say that the rich man was a bad man or gained his riches illicitly and it does not say if Lazarus was a great man in society. It talks about the indifference by the rich man Therefore, you should make careful decisions!

Tell me what you think about this parable and remember we are all Potencial Millionaires,

Felix A. Montelara

— Luke 16:19–31, World English Bible
Now there was a certain rich man, and he was clothed in purple and fine linen, living in luxury every day. A certain beggar, named Lazarus, was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Yes, even the dogs came and licked his sores. It happened that the beggar died, and that he was carried away by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died, and was buried. In Hades, he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far off, and Lazarus at his bosom.20130724_112110 He cried and said, “Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue! For I am in anguish in this flame.” But Abraham said, “Son, remember that you, in your lifetime, received your good things, and Lazarus, in the same way, bad things. But now here he is comforted and you are in anguish. Besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, that those who want to pass from here to you are not able, and that none may cross over from there to us.” He said, “I ask you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house; for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, so they won’t also come into this place of torment.” But Abraham said to him, “They have Moses and the prophets. Let them listen to them.” He said, “No, father Abraham, but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.” He said to him, “If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if one rises from the dead.”

Rich Man and Lazarus- Parable Interpretation

Are You Feeling Rejected? If so, Never Give Up

By: Felix A. Montelara, Author: Bulletproof Finances & Potencial Millonario

Never Give Up!

My Daughter Anya

I want to talk to you about rejection.  All of us have felt rejection before.  It can come into our lives in many different forms, such as when you don’t get the grade you want, the job you want, or even the girlfriend or boyfriend you want.  Many of the clients I talk to feel rejection with respect to money.  They feel that rejection when they try to get a loan, a mortgage, a credit report.  They feel rejection when they don’t have money for their bills, or when they can’t buy the things they want.  Rejection can often lead people to feel depressed, sad, or even hopeless.  I want to tell you about a few people who have been rejected in their lives.  Abraham Lincoln was one of the great presidents of the United States.  He actually ran for public office and was defeated seven times before he was elected president.   Think about the rejection he must have felt in each of those elections, after all the time and effort put into campaigning- just to lose again.  But Lincoln didn’t quit.  He was defeated, he was rejected, but he didn’t give up.  He kept going and he finally one.  Let me tell you about a person who was a reject from society. Abhram Lincoln  Let’s see if you can guess his name.  This guy was a teacher and preacher, but he was poor and never made much of a living at his work.  He had a small following and a group of close friends, but many of them abandoned him and rejected him when he needed them the most.  And then, worst of all, he was sent to help a nation of people, but they rejected him and called for him to be executed.  The very people he was trying to save chose to free a convicted criminal rather than him when they had the chance to free him.  After disparaging him, lying about him, selling his belongings, scattering his friends, and humiliating him, they finally watched him be killed when a court of law admitted that he had done no wrong.  Talk about the ultimate in rejection, the ultimate injustice.  Who was this man?  My friends, it was Jesus.  But even after all of this, even after being crucified on the cross, even after all of his suffering- did he give up?  Did he quit his mission?  Did he abandon all hope?  No, my friends, he didn’t.  He came back.  He was resurrected and came back victorious.  He finished teaching his disciples; he empowered them and sent them into the world to teach others.  And now we think of him as being the most influential man who ever lived.

So friends, when we are feeling rejected, let’s be rejects the way Abraham Lincoln and Jesus Christ were rejects.  Let’s be rejects who never give up.  Let’s be rejects who persevere and emerge victorious.

Never give Up.

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