This is our 1st year anniversary broadcasting on the Radio waves of Alabama and pod casting to the world via the internet. Dave Ramsey’s Latino counter part Andres Gutierrez, the Latino Dave Ramsey, as Dave himself calls Andres. Is in this program and will be on the anniversary program celebrating with us.
This year had Potencial Millonario presented to the Hispanic community the best and smartest Latino personalities in the Personal Finance industry and closing with Andres Gutierrez is icing on the cake.
One Year Anniversary Update: All as of October 23, 2014
Podcast Over 150,000 feed Hits
which include Podbean podacast feedhits: 70,234 views and Downloads: 3,000+ in 78 Countries
Radio: Originally 1410am WIQR, now syndicated on Radio Bama Stations
The Blog & Social (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and others): Surpassed 150,000 views. With Google+ leading the pace
“Felix Montelara (Potencial Millonario) Works at Potencial Millonario Attended Columbia Southern University Lives in Alabama, USA – 194 followers|76,871 views”
Top 100 Personal Finance Blogs in Spain By:
Anniversary Note Worthy:
Participated as a guest of a TweetCharla (Tweetchat) at #creditoyMas, invited by Experian on Credit and Financial Literacy in the Hispanic Community
Contributed to a campaign “Got Book” making it possible to funds book such as STEM Nonfiction sets, Dr. Seuss books, Biscuit, and Sophie, magnetic letters and a Color Rings Sorting Board. Via
Interviewed EIFLE award winners at the AnnualConference on Financial Education
Recently launched The (.com) Law Enforcement Edition
Big thanks to Puente Financiero, Figueroa financial, Liderasgo Hoy, Al Maximo, and Andres Gutierrez for the great interviews.
Also special thanks to Money Plan SOS, PT Money (FinCon) and for the year round support.
And finally I must give a big shout-out to my producer, partner and wife, for all her great work and dedication to our projects. Specially for the successful launch of the completin a 102% funding goal.
There you have it. No hidden agenda, just good, informative and hopefully entertaining information. I love you guys and I just want to say thank you on our one year Anniversary for your support.
Felix A. Montelara
Author, Speaker, Radio Host, Podcaster, & Blogger is produced in Alabama, USA.
Potencial Millonario invites you to join Experian on a Tweetcharla at #CreditoyMas on Twitter this Tuesday, October 21 at 5 p.m. ET.
The Experian folks will be talking with Virginia Zigras – Deputy Chief of Staff & Counsel for Congressman Tony Cárdenas, Felix Montelara– Host of the Program Potencial Millonario, Isaias Hernandez, Special Program Coordinator, Financial Literacy & Financial Stability Assett Building Program, Mexican Opportunity Foundation, Rod Griffin– Director of Public Education at Experian, and leaders in the Hispanic community. join us!
Topic: Credit and Financial Literacy in the Hispanic Community
When: Tuesday, October 21 at 5 p.m. ET
Easy ways to chat with us on Twitter:Twubs or Tchat
As more Hispanics gain access to credit and credit cards, they will continue to play an expanding role in the American economy. However, there are still many Hispanics who prefer to use cash and lack access to credit and financial education.
A 2013 survey by the National Council of la Raza shows that two out of 10 Latinos in the United States don’t use banks—a higher rate than Asians and African-Americans. They are also highly likely to rely on predatory payday loans and high-priced check-cashing services. Join us to discuss the current landscape and how the Hispanic community can become more financially empowered.
Questions we’ll discuss:
1. What are the challenges Hispanics face in becoming more financially empowered?
2. Why are so many Hispanics unbanked using cash only vs. using credit?
3. What are the first steps Hispanics can take to establish credit?
4. What are some of the common concerns among Hispanics about using credit?
5. What kind of credit information and resources would be most helpful to Hispanic small business owners?
6. What are some of the common misconceptions Hispanics have about credit?
7. What are some best practices to reach Hispanics with financial information?
8. Hispanic consumers tend to over-index on smartphone and mobile application use, so will mobile banking and payment products be an important channel to engage them?
9. What are the best ways to reach Hispanic youth to get them started early on the way to financial literacy?
10. What are some of the biggest misconceptions among Hispanics about credit?
En este programa Ep. 51 de Potencial Millonario te tengo una entrevista con Andres Gutierrez, Ël Machete para su billete”.
Andres Gutierrez, Ël Machete Pa´su billete¨
Y descubrimos quien es? De donde viene Andres Gutierez? Como llego a ser un Guru en cuanto a las finanzas personales con un programa de radio en cientos de emisoras de costa a costa en los Estados Unidos (EE.UU).
Uno de los mejores libros en finanzas personales en español
Andres también nos cuenta como el le hizo para salir de deudas en su vida personal. Y nos explica con lujo de detalles que hay que hacer para que usted salga de sus deudas.
En la devocion de la semana les explico lo que dice la Biblia sobre la deuda y si tener o cargar deuda es un pecado. Espero que disfruten del programa pero mas importante que pongan en practica los conceptos aprendido. Y recuerde que todos tenemos Potencial Millonario.
Payday loans are a type of loan in which you can borrow money and repay it the next payday. A payday loan is an unsecured loan, for which you can be approved quickly but at a huge interest rate (should be illegal). The reason for the higher rates is the risk taken by the payday lenders.
If you are in debt and work or live an area where payday loan establishments are accessible to you, take a good look at them and know that if you do business with a payday lender at the exorbitant rates of payday loans understand that it will be a bad financial decision compounded on bad past financial decisions that lead you to considering borrowing from a payday loan lender in the first place.
Here is an explanation of how interest rates are calculated:
Determine how much you need to borrow then find out the finance charge amount and the loan term. Once you have the amount figured
Divide the finance charge amount by the loan amount. For example, if you borrow $100 and the total amount of finance change is $10, just divide the $10 with $100 and you will get 0.1
Multiply the 0.1 by 365 (the number of days a year), you will get 36.5 or if the loan is payable in 10 days then just divide 10 by 365 and you will get 3.65.
The number you get from step 3 must be multiplied by 100 for you to get the annual percentage rate a.k.a APR that you will need to pay.
I have placed a payday loan calculator below. Just plug in the numbers and you will see how the title of this blog applies. Let me explain: if you were to keep renewing the example loan from above over and over again because of need your APR would be 365%. Compare that to a credit card cash advance or just borrowing from a friend at a double digit versus triple digit percent. Its like being robbed!
At we understand that payday loans are legal and a source of funding. However, we also know that they are very dangerous for your financial health. We only ask that you consider alternate routes of financing if possible.
Hoy en la devocion de la semana. Donde están tus prioridades?
Montelara-Demick Family
¨…Pase de muerte a vida,¨ Eclesiastes 3:6.
Retome control de su vida . Sales a trabajar todos los días? Y cuando regresas a la casa les pone atención a la familia? les pregunta a los hijos como le fue durante el día? O cuando llegas a casa es muy tarde y ya están en la cama?
Muchas veces nos convertirnos en buenos proveedores y no en gran padres y madres. Yo entiendo que hay etapas en la vida donde un tiene que producir si deseas comer. Pero a todos nos llega el momento donde tenemos que decir basta ya! Y tenemos que tomar control de nuestras vidas y convertirnos en el mejor esposa, esposa, padre, y madre que podamos ser.
Todos sabemos que el Dr. Panasiuk nos dice que mas importante el ¨ser¨ que el hacer. Así que te pregunto conoces a tus hijas e hijos? Sabes de verdad quien es tu esposa? Toma un poco de tiempo conozca a nuestro señor y entienda que el ¨ser¨es mas importante que todas las riquezas en el mundo.
Yo he pasado con Jesús de muerte a vida y ahora conozco a nuestro creador. Y prometo dedicarle mas tiempo al ¨ser¨.
Vea el vídeo en este post. Espero que lo disfrutes para mas importante que aprendas algo y lo pongas en practica. Y recuerde que todos tenemos potencial millonario.
In the United States (U.S.) most of the nation’s financial education resources are run through nonprofit organizations. In this post I want introduce you to five such organizations that are working toward improving your financial literacy through innovating educational methodology and technology.
As background in 2002 the U.S, Treasury Department created an Office of Financial Education. In 2003 the U.S. Congress enacted legislation establishing the Financial Literacy and Education Commission under the Financial Literacy and Education Improvement Act. In the meantime many organizations cropped up in support of the financial literacy education push. Eventually, on January 22, 2008, President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13455, creating the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy. The advisory committee defined financial literacy as “the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well-being.” The U.S. Congress, in July 2010, passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), whose mission is to promote financial education.
The roundup of top five organizations improving financial literacy in the U.S. are the following:
1. CFED (Corporation for Enterprise Development) (Research, program development)
2. NEFE (National Endowment for Financial Education) (Research, program development)
3. Institute for Financial Literacy (Professional training and certification for financial counselors and educators)
For the native Spanish speakers living in the U.S. or bilingual (English/Spanish) who prefer to learn “Educación Financiera” in Spanish visit: WWW.POTENCIALMILLONARIO.COM
At the understand and know that there are many more organization promoting and working on providing all of us with excellent financial literacy programs. Please feel free to add them in our comments and they will also be recognized.
Mark Tune from & Felix A. Montelara from comment on Fincon14 while at 70 miles per hour through the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
We take the opportunity to inform you the listener of our most memorable activities while a the conference (FinCon14). We review several of the sessions and even provide you with an insiders’
look into the “Pro” sessions. We comment on the presentations of the following speakers:
Ellie Kay
Jared Easley
Jeff Rose
Jeff Goins
Chris Ducker
We even take you with sound to the streets of New Orleans to the Ignite FinCon venue where Jason Vitug ignited the place with his 5 minute talk and 15 slides. Lastly we make a special mention of Brian Preston and Bo Hanson from The Money Guy.” So, listen up because you are in for the ride.
Aprenda a como general dinero por el Internet. Este es mi Proyecto. Y ya ha generado sobre $2,043 en un mes. Ayude a que sea exitoso y usted puede hacerlo también.
Cómo iniciar un proyecto en Kickstarter
por: wikiHow
Kickstarter es un servicio en línea que permite a los usuarios financiar proyectos creativos que son publicados por otras personas. Los compromisos de financiamiento funcionan con un sistema de umbral de compromiso, significa que los fondos no son transferidos de los donantes a los creadores del proyecto hasta que el proyecto alcance el 100% de sus metas de financiamiento. Este artículo te mostrará como empezar un proyecto en
10 preguntas para comenzar un proyecto de kickstarter segun
¿Tienes una gran idea para un producto nuevo pero necesitas levantar dinero para ejecutarla? Una buena opción es crear una campaña en un sitio de crowdfunding como Kickstarter. Después de todo, los resultados en esta plataforma son impresionantes. Desde su lanzamiento en 2009, cerca de cuatro millones de personas han conseguido USD$60 millones para financiar más de 4,000 proyectos.
Pero, ¿cómo crear una campaña atractiva para conseguir financiamiento para tu idea? Aunque no existe una fórmula exacta, responder correctamente estas 10 preguntas te ayudarán a aumentar la probabilidad de conseguir dinero para tu proyecto:
1. ¿Cómo debo explicar mi idea en la página de proyectos de Kickstarter?
Claramente, definir el propósito de tu proyecto es el primer paso, dice Aimee Cebulski, autora de Kickstarter for Dummies. Explica exactamente para qué necesitas el dinero, cómo lo usarás y por qué. “Ser parco sobre las especificaciones de tu proyecto -desde qué te inspiró a crearlo hasta cómo lucirá terminado- es un gran error”, dice Cebulski.
2. ¿Cómo debo determinar mi objetivo de financiamiento?
Kickstarter es una plataforma de todo o nada. Si te quedas un dólar por debajo de tu objetivo de financiamiento en la fecha límite, no recibirás nada de dinero y los que te apoyaron no pagarán ni un centavo. Si tu proyecto consigue el financiamiento total antes de la fecha límite, seguirá recibiendo donaciones hasta ese día.
Así que no establezcas una meta demasiado ambiciosa, sino una cantidad realista que considere cuánto costará producir, empacar y enviar tu producto, así como el costo de las recompensas que darás a los que te apoyen, dice Cebulski. También toma en cuenta la tarifa del 5% que cobra Kickstarter si el proyecto es financiado.
3. ¿Qué tipo de recompensas daré a mis fondeadores?
Las recompensas suelen ser lo que motivan a las personas a apoyar un proyecto, por lo que debes hacerlas lo más creativas y personalizadas posibles, dice Cesar Kuriyama, un artista visual cuya app para iOS (1 Second Everyday) obtuvo $37,000 dólares más de su meta.
Las recompensas en Kickstarter deben estar valuadas entre un dólar y $10,000 dólares y deben ser productos o experiencias. Kuriyama ofreció varios niveles de recompensas; los fondeadores que dieron un dólar recibieron la 1 Second Everyday app. Los que dieron USD$150 o más tuvieron su nombre en los créditos de la app y acceso exclusivo al grupo en Facebook, así como una invitación a una fiesta privada. Los que más aportaron recibieron estas recompensas y la posibilidad de reunirse en persona con el creador.
“Tuve mucho cuidado al elegir recompensas que tuvieran un toque personal y crearan mayor valor para mis fondeadores y no más trabajo para mí”, dice Kuriyama. Si no puedes ofrecer experiencias uno a uno, podrías dar recompensas producidas por el mismo proyecto, como copias en DVD.
4. ¿Cómo puedo aumentar la probabilidad de que Kickstarter apoye mi proyecto?
Kickstarter sugiere que demuestres el estado de tu proyecto con dibujos técnicos, diseños en CAD, fotos, videos y bocetos, “así como un prototipo que demuestre la funcionalidad actual del producto”.
Lee los requisitos con cuidado, dice Kuriyama. “Revísalos constantemente porque cambian seguido”.
5. ¿Debo crear un video para mi campaña en Kickstarter?
Los videos no son un requisito, pero Cebulski, Kuriyama y Kickstarter recomiendan usarlos. Los proyectos que incluyen un video son 50 por ciento más exitosos que los que no.
Los mejores videos son cortos, personales y apasionados, ya sea que hayan sido creados profesionalmente o con la cámara de un smartphone. Cuenta el lado humano de tu proyecto en los primeros 20 segundos, e intenta que no dure más de dos minutos. Discute brevemente qué te inspiró a crear el proyecto, por qué debe ser fondeado y en qué estado se encuentra a la fecha.
6. ¿Cómo debo publicitar mi campaña en Kickstarter?
Una vez que estés listo para lanzar tu proyecto, es tiempo de esparcir la palabra en tus redes profesionales y personales.
Kuriyama dice que él evitó mandar emails masivos y que optó por escribir correos personalizados a sus amigos, familiares, colegas e influenciadores de la industria presentándoles su proyecto en Kickstarter. “La clave es ser personal, como si estuvieras hablándoles en la vida real”, dice.
También podrías hacer un boletín de prensa y enviarlo a medios locales, así como a bloggers conocidos.
7. ¿Puedo elegir cuánto durará mi proyecto en Kickstarter?
Las campañas en esta plataforma duran entre uno y 60 días. Cuánto tiempo esté activa es decisión tuya, y tú estableces cuándo inicia y cuándo termina. Kickstarter recomienda esté activa 30 días o menos, ya que los proyectos de larga duración son los menos exitosos.
8. ¿Qué categoría debo elegir?
Tu proyecto debe estar en una de las 13 principales categorías: arte, comics, danza, diseño, moda, cine, gastronomía, juegos, música, fotografía, editorial, tecnología o teatro. Ahora también están disponibles 36 subcategorías.
9. ¿Qué tan seguido debo actualizar a mis fondeadores?
Puedes actualizarlos cada que quieras en cuestión de eventos y avances relacionados con el proyecto. Algunos creadores lo hacen diario, mientras que otros una vez a la semana.
Jaime and Kids
Puedes elegir si las actualizaciones serán visibles públicamente o sólo para los que te apoyan.
10. ¿Cómo creo y subo mi proyecto en Kickstarter?
Visita la página de Kickstarter y selecciona “Start Your Proyect”. Aquí es donde crearás y arreglarás tu proyecto antes de lanzarlo.
Primero elige un buen título que sea fácil de recordar. Después, sube una imagen que represente tu proyecto y ofrezca una descripción. Finalmente, escribe una breve biografía de ti con ligas a tu cuenta de Twitter o sitio Web.
Normalmente toma unos cuantos días para que Kickstarter revise tu proyecto y decida si aceptarlo o no. Si es rechazado, a veces te explican por qué y puedes apelar la decisión.
10th Annual Conference on Financial Education, in San Antonio, Texas on April 1-3, 2015! Join fellow financial literacy fanatics as we celebrate this special occasion with door prizes, raffles and special recognition for attendees!
For our 10th anniversary celebration we’re making changes to keep things fresh, exciting and informative.
More Content. We’re adding half a day to the schedule! The first day of the conference will now be a full day rather than our traditional half-day.
More Depth. We’re extending session lengths so presenters and attendees can explore topics in more depth than ever before.
More Practical. We’re re-focusing concurrent session tracks on specific areas of knowledge and skills development, such as Behavioral Economics, Program Development, and Outcome Measurement.
More Hands-On. We’re adding a 2-hour facilitated roundtable workshop so you can brainstorm with your fellow attendees and presenters to develop actionable steps to bring home and begin implementing immediately.
More Networking. We’re adding structured networking opportunities to better support you in meeting new peers, developing professional relationships and identifying potential partnerships. We’re also adding a 1-hour Sponsor Fair to give you more time to speak with sponsors and evaluate the industry resources, products and services that are available.
More Social. We’re adding a low-stress social event so you can “kick back and relax” with fellow attendees and enjoy our host city.
More Value. Despite these changes, the registration fee will remain the same low rate for the third year in a row, giving you even more value for your dollar. Attendance at the annual EIFLE Awards Dinner and Keynote Luncheon will still be included in the basic registration fee.
Please join us to celebrate 10 years of our collective hard work on improving financial literacy in ourselves, our communities and our nation. We look forward to seeing you there!
Stay tuned for more information.
Best regards,
John C. Linfield
Executive Director
Institute for Financial Literacy
Sponsor Opportunities
The Conference provides an exciting opportunity for Sponsors to showcase their organization, products and services to an expected gathering of 200 financial educators from across the globe. It’s a wonderful way to support professional development in our industry, raise visibility for the work you are doing, and network with professionals in the field.
Sponsor Benefits
Support professional development for financial educators and counselors
Exhibit/Display tables to raise the visibility of your organization, product or service
Complimentary admission to all sessions
Dedicated time with conference attendees each day
Networking opportunities with financial educators from around the world
Recognition in conference materials
If your company is interested in sponsoring the Annual Conference on Financial Education, please contact John Linfield, Executive Director at or at (207) 221–3613
I want to spend a few minutes talking about parenthood. I refer you to the parable of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32. You all know the story: a young man requests his inheritance from his father and strikes out on his own, living a life of excess until he squanders every cent. He sells himself into servitude, yet even then he doesn’t even eat as well as the pigs he cares for. In the cold, hard world, no one helps him. Finally, he decides to go and repent to his father, and ask that he become one of his servants. When the father sees him, he rejoices and commands that a giant feast be held in his honor, and he dresses him in find clothes. The father, according to Luke 15:24 says, 24 “’for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’” Can you imagine how hard it was for this father to say that? I wonder to myself, would I have said that? Or would I have slipped in an, “I told you so” or an “I knew this would happen?” Let’s be honest- parenting is hard, and we parents are as imperfect as our kids. We raise our children the best we can, but they grow up and make their own decisions and mistakes. The real lesson about parenthood here is this: the father in this story did a good job with this young man, because at the end of all of his failure he knew enough to be humble and go home to where the love was. And what a strong man was the father, to recognize that the lesson was already learned- and the moment called for acceptance, not admonishment. If only all parents and children would spend a little more time contemplating this story, which is as pertinent today as ever. Maybe by doing so we could have a few less mistakes, and a few more happy endings. I think Jesus was making the point that God the Ultimate Father treats us in the same way- when we go to him with our mistakes he welcomes, accepts, and forgives us. Shouldn’t we try to do the same? This reminds me of when Jesus stopped the stoning of the woman by saying, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” We parents have made our fair share of mistakes. Let’s rejoice when our kids actually come to us for forgiveness. It means that we did something right.
Luke 15:11-32
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
The Parable of the Prodigal and His Brother
11 And he said, “There was a man who had two sons; 12 and the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that falls to me.’ And he divided his living between them. 13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took his journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in loose living. 14 And when he had spent everything, a great famine arose in that country, and he began to be in want. 15 So he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed swine. 16 And he would gladly have fed on[a] the pods that the swine ate; and no one gave him anything. 17 But when he came to himself he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, but I perish here with hunger! 18 I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ 20 And he arose and came to his father. But while he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’[b]22 But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; 23 and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; 24 for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to make merry.
25 “Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 And he called one of the servants and asked what this meant. 27 And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has received him safe and sound.’ 28 But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated him, 29 but he answered his father, ‘Lo, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command; yet you never gave me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your living with harlots, you killed for him the fatted calf!’ 31 And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. 32 It was fitting to make merry and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.’”