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How Scripture Instructs Us To Act With Money

By Felix A. Montelara

This week in my radio program I will discuss the importance of having an emergency fund, which is a separate savings account that is only used for emergencies. This is not just because it makes good personal financial sense. Saving your money is good advice found in the Bible as well. Proverbs 13:11 states “Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.” This passage deals with two aspects of money management: how you earn your money and how you save it.

First, how is your money earned- or is it earned at all? Methods of earning, gaining, or extorting money that involve lying, cheating or stealing will result in an eventual loss of this money. Ill-gotten gains will seldom make one rich, especially in the sense of spiritual richness or richness of life that I have discussed in earlier posts. Money is a means of paying for material things: utilities, homes, clothing, etc. It will not make a person happy by itself. Accruing money dishonestly or using money at the expense of others will result in a negative impact on a person’s life. This negative impact may not be immediately apparent; but someday, somehow, what goes around comes around.

This Scripture instructs us to gain money the right way- little by little, saving up, hard work, and honest means. This may be interpreted as working and saving a portion of your income more diligently, or it could mean carefully making a budget so you can stop wasting your money on unnecessary things. Many families with money problems actually earn enough- they are just unaware of how they are wasting their money. For example, do you know how much you spend on coffee, vending machine snacks, or personal appearance products each month? Could some of that money be saved instead? You would be surprised how much money you waste. This is why it is so important to make an honest budget and to really be aware of all of your expenditures each month. It is likely that each of us could be richer each month if we chose to save rather than waste.

As Proverbs tells us- those who strive to use money carefully and wisely will be rewarded. The reward for the careful gatherer of money is that it will grow. When you begin your savings account, it may seem painfully small. But the Bible encourages us to keep working at it. With time, the savings will grow. God may reward your diligence and care with other positive outcomes as well- but you will never reap those benefits unless you begin the correct way.

I encourage everyone to take a look at how you earn your money and how you save it. You can’t begin an emergency fund or savings account until you understand where your money comes from and where it goes. Keep in mind that as Proverbs says, “whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.” There is no shame in saving a dollar here or there, if that is all you can afford. Be proud of yourself for gathering that dollar, caring for it, and storing it away. This is how your money will grow, and this is how Scripture instructs us to act.

I hope you have enjoyed it.

Felix A. Montelara

Auhor: Potencial Millonario

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