Potencial Millonario

Nominations- EIFLE Award 2015- Are Now Being Accepted

Blogged By: The Potential Millionaire

Honor Excellence. Inspire Achievement.

Nominate that educator, organization, book, education program, game or research paper for an EIFLE Award!

Each year, the Institute for Financial Literacy presents the Excellence In Financial Literacy Education (EIFLE) Awards to individuals and organizations that have shown exceptional innovation, dedication and commitment to the field of financial literacy education.

The work of these authors, educators, organizations and researchers inspires others to strive toward excellence as well, increasing the availability and effectiveness of financial literacy education in communities across the country.

The deadline to submit nominations is January 30, 2015. Nomination guidelines and forms can be found at EIFLEawards.org or by calling (207) 221-3663.

2015 EIFLE Awards
Nomination Deadline, January 30, 2015 

Awards Presentation: April 1, 2015

Grand Hyatt Hotel San Antonio, TX

We are excited to announce our 10th Annual Conference on Financial Education.

For more information, please visit our Conference website at www.ACFEonline.org.

April 1-3, 2015

The Annual Conference on Financial Education promotes the effective delivery of consumer financial products, services and education by hosting a national event for professionals providing these services.

Register Today!

Attendee Registration
Sponsorship Registration
Hotel Reservations

22 Cottage Road South Portland, ME 04106



(207) 221-3615

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