Government Shutdown– Day 8- CNN: “President Obama called Speaker Boehner offering to negotiate an end to the shutdown. The president said he is willing to negotiate, but only “after the threat of government shutdown and default have been removed.” In other words, nothing’s changed.”
Well, for me things have changed. I was recalled to my office along with all other Criminal Investigators in the agency. I may keep reporting on the shutdown, I’m not sure. The house passed HR 89 to retro pay all furloughed employees; let’s see how that progresses. I have not worked on my book today, but here is an excerpt:
- “If you are like me, you may have invested a lot of time and money learning how to craft your calling. You learn how to control situations and survive in dangerous situations. As law enforcement professionals, you make every effort to win and make sure that you go home at the end of every shift. You train well and even pay for training provided by the best in our law enforcement community. You learn the laws applicable for the job, You practice your officer survival systems and you become proficient with the weapons of your trade. While you work so hard at becoming the best law enforcement officer possible you neglect other aspects of your lives. “
Best regards,
Felix A. Montelara
Author: Potential Millionaire