La Pareja con Poder Latino Conformada por Gloria y Emilio Estefan Habla Sobre la Fama, la Fortuna y el Romance; el Presidente Bill Clinton Plantea Un Estilo de Vida Más Saludable; Warren Buffet Comparte las Claves del Éxito; Consejos Para Gastar de Manera Más Inteligente; y Mucho Más

La Pareja con Poder Latino Conformada por Gloria y Emilio Estefan Habla Sobre la Fama, la Fortuna y el Romance; el Presidente Bill Clinton Plantea Un Estilo de Vida Más Saludable; Warren Buffet Comparte las Claves del Éxito; Consejos Para Gastar de Manera Más Inteligente; y Mucho Más (via PR Newswire)

 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/— Ritmo y romance: Cincuenta años después de su llegada a Estados Unidos, Gloria y Emilio siguen bailando al ritmo del amor. Juntos, el dúo ha vendido más de 100 millones de álbumes, ha ganado millones de dólares y ha creado una familia adorable y comprensiva con sus dos hijos.  En el número de agosto/septiembre de AARP The Magazine, la “Pareja más famosa de Miami” comparte los secretos de su éxito y su amor duradero. ADEMÁS: Descarga gratuita y exclusiva de internet del nuevo sencillo del próximo álbum de Gloria, “The Standards.”  (Página 32)


Almuerzo con Bill: Tres años después del susto por su enfermedad cardíaca, el ex presidente Bill Clinton ha cambiado su vida y optó por un estilo de vida vegano más saludable. En mejor forma física y con más energías que nunca, Clinton se sienta a almorzar con AARP The Magazine y comenta cómo este cambio radical afectó su salud, por qué está preocupado por la creciente prevalencia de las enfermedades relacionadas con la alimentación en Estados Unidos, y cómo él y la Clinton Foundation están dedicados a la promoción de estilos de vida más saludables. (Página 38) ADEMÁS: ¡Coma como el presidente! Examine las recetas de este exclusivo menú de almuerzos creado para Clinton.

Tu dinero, tu futuro: Para la mayoría de las personas, los años de mayores ingresos son aquellos entre los 45 y los 54 años, pero debido al aumento del desempleo durante la recesión, los ingresos personales han declinado. Averigüe en qué estado están tus finanzas en comparación con el resto de su generación con la guía de bolsillo de AARP The Magazine sobre su dinero a los 50, 60 y 70 años. La embajadora financiera de AARP Jean Chatzky explica las herramientas que necesita para maximizar sus ingresos, reconsiderar sus inversiones, gastar de manera más inteligente y ahorrar más. (Página 47)

Cuando la alimentación hace daño: El 60% de las mujeres estadounidenses de 50 años o más manifiesta que su preocupación por el peso afecta negativamente su vida y un asombroso 70% está tratando de bajar de peso. Sorprendentemente, estas cifras reflejan las mismas tasas que se encontraron entre las mujeres jóvenes y adolescentes.AARP The Magazine explora cómo los trastornos de la alimentación están afectando a las mujeres mayores de 50 años. (Página 18)

Warren Buffett: Con un patrimonio de más de $55,000 millones ($55 billion), Warren Buffet sabe algo acerca de las claves del dinero y el éxito. El inversor más famoso de Estados Unidos comparte sus consejos acerca de cómo invertir, cuánto donar a las instituciones benéficas y mucho más.  (Página 58)

Cómo combatir una infección mortal:  Cada año, 750,000 estadounidenses deben ser hospitalizados por sepsis. Esta enfermedad potencialmente mortal, a veces denominada envenenamiento de la sangre, al parecer puede producirse al azar y en ocasiones hasta los médicos experimentados no logran detectarla, lo que produce complicaciones fatales.  La colaboradora de AARP Dra. Nancy L. Snyderman explica cómo protegerse de esta infección mortal. (Página 26)

Investigación sobre la visión: Muchas personas de más de 50 años están mal informadas sobre la cirugía de cataratas y tienen conceptos equivocados acerca del dolor y el tiempo de recuperación que conlleva esta cirugía. AARP The Magazine se asoció con Alcon, una compañía global de productos para el cuidado de la visión, para refutar los mitos que rodean a la cirugía de cataratas y revelar los seis mitos más comunes sobre este procedimiento. Examina los resultados de esta nueva cirugía y conoce qué 10 alimentos pueden ayudar a corregir la visión en (Página 28)

La Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio y tú: El 1.o de enero del 2014, la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio (ACA) delpresidente Obama cambiará el rostro del sistema de salud, ampliando los beneficios que se ofrecen a los estadounidenses. AARP The Magazine señala los 10 beneficios esenciales a los que los consumidores deberán tener acceso y cómo reaccionarán las compañías de seguro frente al aumento de su cobertura para poder cumplir con los estándares mínimos que establece la Ley de Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio. (Página 23)

¿Viviendo un sueño? Con casi 30,000 ensayos cortos recopilados, “The Race Card Project” prueba que incluso 50 años después de la Marcha a Washington, los pequeños momentos de valor pueden ser el catalizador del cambio. AARP The Magazine analiza cómo el proyecto está explorando la identidad racial y cultural en solo seis breves palabras.  (Página 42)

Acerca de AARP The Magazine

Con más de 34 millones de lectores, AARP The Magazine es la revista de mayor circulación en el mundo y la publicación irrefutable sobre estilos de vida para los estadounidenses de 50 años o más.
AARP The Magazine ofrece contenido integral sobre salud y acondicionamiento físico, asesoramiento financiero, información y consejos de interés para el consumidor, entrevistas con celebridades, reseñas de libros y críticas de películas. AARP The Magazine se fundó en 1958; se imprime cada dos meses y se publica continuamente por internet. Para obtener más información, visite

Acerca de AARP

AARP es una organización sin fines de lucro, no partidaria, con más de 37 millones de socios, que ayuda a las personas a convertir sus metas y sueños en posibilidades a su alcance; fortalece las comunidades y lucha por los asuntos de más importancia para las familias, como el cuidado de la salud, la seguridad de empleo y la planificación de la jubilación, servicios públicos asequibles y protección contra el abuso financiero. Intercedemos por el consumidor en el mercado mediante la selección de productos y servicios de alta calidad y valor para que lleven el nombre de AARP, y ayudamos a nuestros socios a obtener descuentos en una amplia gama de productos, viajes y servicios. Fuente confiable de consejos sobre estilos de vida, noticias e información educativa, AARP produce AARP The Magazine, la revista de mayor circulación en el mundo; AARP Bulletin;; AARP TV & Radio; AARP Books y AARP en español, un sitio de internet en español que aborda los intereses y necesidades de los hispanos. AARP no respalda a ningún candidato a cargos públicos, ni hace contribuciones a ninguna campaña política ni candidato. AARP Foundation es una filial benéfica de AARP que se esfuerza por restituir las oportunidades a los estadounidenses de 50 años o más al facilitar un cambio en los cuatro problemas más serios que enfrentan en la actualidad: la vivienda, el hambre, los ingresos y el aislamiento. Tenemos oficinas en los 50 estados del país, en el Distrito de Columbia, en Puerto Rico y en las Islas Vírgenes de Estados Unidos. Conozca más

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The Potential Millionaire Episode 18 / Potencial Millonario episodio 18

Has caído en la trampa del empleo? Escuche lo que tengo que decir…En este episodio tenemos una entrevista con Jose Medina, CPFC de Finanzas al Máximo donde nos da 5 pasos para salir de deudas. Jose Medina

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Potencial Millonario Ep. 15 / The Potenctial Millionaire Ep. 15

en este episodio contestamos preguntas que nos han llegado vía Google+ y Blogger.  Hablamos de los seguros de automóviles, seguros de vida y el seguro para el hogar. las aseguranzas es la mejor manera de protegerse en contra de los desastres. Pero mas importante protegen su patrimonio y su familia.

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Jose Figueroa

Personal Finance Coach & Blogger at Figueroa Financial


Two Masters, Really?

By Felix A. Montelara

Author & Host of the Potential Millionaire

Matthew 6:24

English Standard Version (ESV)

24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.


In the last episode of Potencial Millonario, I talked to you about the strange taboo that exists about money- in that money is a topic that many people will avoid discussing until they are really in trouble with it.  Most financial problems could be solved early on with appropriate planning and budgeting, but because of the money taboo, many people will not ask for advice and will make dangerous decisions, such as taking out title loans, skipping payments, or hiding the problem from their family.  It is often only when a person becomes desperate that they will finally ask for help, and usually I find that most of the problems could have been avoided if they had asked sooner.  These financial problems can bring ruin to a marriage and destroy a family, causing people to lie to each other, hide the issues, and bring huge amounts of stress onto relationships.  Debt is a terrible master, and serving debt is like signing yourself over to servitude.  So I ask you, is money the problem, or is it the fact that people won’t talk about money, and therefore don’t understand money, that is the problem?  Friends, that is exactly why I began this radio program and website, this is why I wrote the book Potencial Millonario:  to help you understand your money and make it work for you!

In Matthew 6:24, it states, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”  Let me make something clear: Money is not your master.  When you take my advice or follow my golden rules, or when you decide that you want to be financially free, or that you want to start saving money, or that you want to become wealthy, you are NOT serving your money.  You are NOT making money your master.

Potencial Millonario
Stop Worrying and Start Living

On the contrary, when you decide to have a responsible lifestyle in which you have a budget, an emergency fund, a savings account, when you save for what you want to buy instead of using credit, when you discuss money with your family and involve them in this process, when you do these things you are NOT serving money.  You are making your money serve you.  You are making your money work for you.  You are being a good steward of God’s bountiful gifts, you are taking the opportunities the God sets before you.  You are following God’s word as written in the over 100 verses in the Bible that deal with money.  So, my friends, when you are financially free you can serve God.

If you are in terrible financial trouble, if you are worrying day in and day out, if you are lying to your family, if you feel guilty because you cannot get a handle on these things- you need to ask yourself if you are serving money or serving God.  Is there time in your day, amidst your money worries and stress, to give time, thanks, and devotion to God?  Or do you instead find your discussion with God always starts with, “Why me?”  Friends, as Matthew 6:24 states, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”  Be the boss of your money, make your money work for you, so that you can do God’s work.  You will love the financial freedom, you will love the relaxation that comes from knowing that you have control of your money.  This will free you to do the wonderful things that you are capable of with your God-given gifts and talents.

Footnotes: Matthew 6:24 Greek mammon, a Semitic word for money or possessions


The Potential Millionaire On Savings

By Felix A. Montelara

1 Corinthians 16:2 ESV / 18 helpful votes

On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will be no collecting when I come.

2 Corinthians 9:6 ESV / 13 helpful votes

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

In the last episode of Potential Millionaire, I not only discussed the importance of saving money, but also exactly how much money to save and where to save it.  Let’s be certain to understand that we save money not to hoard it or lord it over others, but actually to act as good stewards and thankful recipients of God’s bounty.  There are a number of Biblical Scripture passages that support my point.  First, let’s take 1 Corinthians 16:2, which states that “On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will be no collecting when I come.”  1 Corinthians is advocating exactly what I discussed last week- that we must diligently set aside money to save each and every time we have income.  No matter the size of the amount saved- it is the action of  retaining that piece of our income before we do our spending that really allows us to accumulate wealth.  The Bible instructs us to live by conserving what we have, not only in times of distress, but every day.  When we save daily and weekly, we grow our savings so that in our times of need we can rely on ourselves.  We can help ourselves because we have an emergency fund, and we can enjoy life to a fuller extent because we can save for our goals and attain them.  Would you like to go on vacation? Buy a new car?  A television?  These are things that can be saved for too- so that when the day comes that we have enough, we can proudly purchase these items using God’s bounty- and not the credit of a lender.

2 Corinthians has more to instruct us with about saving.  2 Corinthians 9:6 states, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” Iphone 040813 308  The Bible is telling us that we must make a conscious effort to care for, save, and then yes, use, God’s bountiful gifts.  But only those who put in the time and effort will see the fruit of their labors.  There is no get rich quick scheme that is sustaining- there is no magic pill for success.  Friends, what I am advocating is nothing more than good, honest work both outside and inside your household.  It takes work to make a budget and follow it.  It takes work to work to save money.  It takes effort and discipline to do these things.  Yes, everyone has millionaire potential, and the Bible provides us with the directions on how to achieve it:  Carefully saving, diligently working, and gratefully watching over our households and money.  These are the keys for unlocking our millionaire potential.


Commit to Your New Year’s Resolutions. Are You Up to Them?

By Felix A. Montelara

Author & Host of The Potential Millionaire

2 Corinthians 13:5

New International Version (NIV)

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?

Isaiah 50:7

But the sovereign Lord helps me, so I am not humiliated. For that reason I am steadfastly resolved; I know I will not be put to shame.

In the last episode, I talked about the topic of new years resolutions, and we discussed how important it is to include your finances in your resolutions.  However, most people break their resolutions within a few weeks, and often resolutions are forgotten quickly.  It is very important to make resolutions that are realistic, manageable, and that you are committed to.  I have a number of golden rules that I talk about, and that you will find in my book, Potencial Millonario.  These would make wonderful resolutions for the New Year.  For example,  I recommend that you make a family budget, and know exactly how much money you make and spend.  I recommend that you have an emergency fund, so that you are prepared for life’s unexpected disasters.  I recommend that you save money, and that you pay yourself first.  I recommend that you are honest with your family about money, and that you approach money matters together as a team.  But what good are all these resolutions, if you are not totally committed to making them happen?  What good are they, if you aren’t willing to make the sacrifices required to succeed?  We all have millionaire potential, but do we all have the courage and discipline to be millionaires?

I really believe that each of us has millionaire potential, and that each of has the same opportunity to follow these golden rules and succeed at becoming financially free.  Will it be easy?  No.  Will it happen overnight? No.  Will it be worth it?  Absolutely.

Let’s take some inspiring words from the Bible to help us have the courage to make good financial decisions in this New Year, and to have the resolve to keep our resolutions and to remain on the road to financial freedom.  2 Corinthians 13:5 says, “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Iphone 040813 006 Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?”  Friends, these plans that we make about the New Year are tests.  They are tests of our discipline, our resolve, our courage.  We must look inward, we must look at ourselves and decide if we can pass the test.  When you are tempted to spend money you don’t have, when you are tempted to argue about money, when you are tempted to despair- think about whether or not you are in the faith- and find strength in the fact that we can take strength from Jesus.  Lean on Him- rest on Him- and keep strong in your resolutions.  Make them last the whole year, make good habits for yourselves about your money.  Recognize that millionaire potential that is within you, and be willing to commit to it.

Isaiah 50:7 states, “But the sovereign LORD helps me, so I am not humiliated. For that reason I am steadfastly resolved; I know I will not be put to shame.”  As you commit yourselves to your budget, your savings, your emergency fund, your good spending habits, know that you are not alone.  Know that if you persevere, you will not be humiliated, but instead you will be uplifted.  I know that for some of you, the road to financial freedom will be a tough one- but you must believe that you can do this.  No matter what difficulties you have been through, no matter what troubles you will go through, if you persevere and have courage and discipline, you will triumph in the end.

Potencial Millonario Ep. 09 / The Potential Millionaire Ep. 09

En este episodio 09,

Regale en la Navidad con artículos DIY. Hacer lo correcto no es fácil! Piense en resoluciones durante el tiempo de Navidad. Tome control de su dinero en el 2014.

Escuche el episodio #09
Escuche el episodio #09

Disponible en itunes y Youtube.  Escuche y déjeme saber su opinión al 334 357 6410. Únase a la conversación y comparta este episodio.

The Potential Millionaire Club  ya cuenta con 158 personas activas. Todo es Gratis…

Gracias y Felicidades,

Felix A. Montelara



Let Your Financial Freedom be guided by a Shining Star in 2014

English: Adoration of the Wise Men by Murillo
English: Adoration of the Wise Men by Murillo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By Felix A. Montelara

Author & Radio Host of :


Last week’s episode was a special one, as we prepared to celebrate Christmas Day.  I hope that all my listeners and readers had a wonderful Christmas with their families.  In the last episode, I discussed the real reason to celebrate at Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus.  I also talked about the origin of the Christmas tradition of gift giving, which probably started in the fourth century with the generosity of Saint Nicholas.  I also talked about carefully choosing gifts- to find gifts that are truly meaningful, to give at Christmas.  Remember, as we think about these things, we must always keep in mind that God and family are the most important things in our lives.  I encouraged you to take time with your families to start new Christmas traditions- to get away from the ‘normal’ commercialized spending spree that Christmas has become, and to focus on meaningful, lasting gifts.  Sometimes these gifts are hand-made, or sometimes they are acts of love, or giving of one’s time to another.  Imagine the good that spending 30 extra minutes playing with your kids each day could do in their lives- what a lasting effect that would have- far outlasting the brief joy that a toy or game would bring.  Its hard to have the courage to try these new ideas- just like its hard to make and keep a budget, or hard to save for an emergency when we have expenses today.  But friends, whoever said that doing the right thing would be easy?

This week marks another important Christian holiday.  The twelve days after Christmas are a time called Christmastide.  Christmastide ends with the Epiphany, which many call Three Kings Day.  Epiphany is a Greek word that means ‘to show, or to reveal’.  The Epiphany was first celebrated in the fourth century, and originally was a celebration of four important events: the baptism of Jesus, the first miracle of Jesus, (which was changing water to wine at the wedding at Cana), the Nativity of Christ, and the visitation of the three wise men.  These four events were celebrated together, because they were each a time when Jesus was revealed to the world.  Over time, the events began to be celebrated separately, and now we think of the Epiphany as a remembrance of the long journey of the three Magi, as they followed the star to Bethlehem and worshipped Jesus.  In many cultures, gifts are given on the Epiphany, to commemorate the gifts that the three wise men brought to Jesus.

As we continue to celebrate Christmas and look forward to the Epiphany, let’s remember that this is a time when we should focus on what we need to show others or reveal in our lives.  In terms of your personal finances, this would be a great time to discuss where you are at with your family, so that you can begin the New Year together with a plan to improve your situation.  It may be a difficult conversation, but revealing the truth will in the end allow you and your family to make progress.  It is also a time to be honest with yourself, to show yourself that you have the courage to take control of your financial situation.  Reveal to yourself how you are spending your money, find your weaknesses, and be determined to get control of your finances.  Create a budget, stop wasting money, begin a savings account, and pay off your debts.  These are steps that I can help you with, with this radio program, my book, and my website  Let yourself have a personal finance epiphany- and begin your journey to financial freedom.  Allow this season of joy and celebration encourage you to have the courage to do the tough things- knowing that they are the right things to do.  Let the promise of financial freedom, the relief of having no more debt, the security of having savings, the freedom of having your own money to spend- let these things be your guiding star that lights your way throughout the New Year.  Friends, just like the journey of the Three Kings was difficult, your journey may be difficult as well.  But the Three Kings persisted, they carried on, and they accomplished their mission of revealing baby Jesus to the world.  And they didn’t do this alone- they had the guidance of the Christmas star sent by God.  You too, have guidance, and you too, have God.  I hope you will take this opportunity to set off on a journey to reveal your millionaire potential.

Christ the King , Christmas & Saint Nicholas

Isaiah 9:6-

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


In one of the  latest episodes of Potencial Millonario, I discussed the taboo that surrounds money and prevents people from making good decisions because they are afraid to talk about their problems or ask advice until it is too late.  I advised listeners to let go of this fear about money, and to instead embrace an attitude of stewardship- where we understand our money and it works for us.  I firmly believe that being responsible with money, following a budget, saving for emergencies, preparing for the future, spending less than what we earn, paying off debts, not creating new debts- these are ways that we control our money and make it serve us.  This is what I call financial freedom- and it isn’t easy.  But it does free us from the worry and stress that money problems cause, and allows us to use our gifts and talents to serve God.


This week I am mindful that Christmas is just a few days away.  It has become a very commercialized holiday, but let’s not forget the true reason for the celebration: the birth of Jesus Christ.  Isaiah 9:6 states, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  We celebrate the birth of the most influential human in history, and the son of God.  This is the reason for the Christmas season- not the lights, glitter, shopping sprees, and food.  We should remember the humble beginnings of the King of Kings, born in a stable, laid in a manger, housed among animals.  But make no mistake, all the angels in heaven were singing to him, and the stars of the universe burned brighter for him.  I wanted to take these few minutes and remember the birth of the Prince of Peace, and I hope that all people can take time each day to think about the true focus of the coming week.


You may ask yourself, “If Jesus is the source of Christmas, why do we give gifts?”  This is really the story of Christmas traditions- not the story of Christmas.  Where do our traditions come from- like the Christmas tree and gift giving?  There are many sources for the traditions that every culture has, but let’s look back on one person who became very influential on the tradition of Christmas.  Many Christmas legends and traditions go back to the Catholic Saint Nicholas, who lived in the fourth century.  Very few hard facts have survived about Saint Nicholas, but it is known that he was a bishop in a place called Myra in Asia Minor.  During the time of Saint Nicholas, a father had to pay a dowry in order for his daughters to be married.  If a father was too poor to pay to have his daughters married, he may have had to resort to selling his daughters into slavery.  A wonderful legend persists about Saint Nicholas, in which Saint Nicholas dropped bags of gold into a poor man’s window, to provide him money so that his three daughters would be saved.  This began the tradition of gift giving on December 6, which is the feast day of Saint Nicholas.  Later, the date was moved to December 25 as other denominations wanted to get away from the Catholic celebration of Saints- but the tradition of gift-giving remained.

As we think about where the tradition of gift giving originated, let’s concentrate on a few important points in this legend.  First, Saint Nicholas used his own money to do a charitable act towards a stranger.  If you’ve been listening to my previous episodes, you know that I think money should work for you, and that once you have money you should use it to help others.  That is exactly what Saint Nicholas was doing.  He used his money to make a real change happen for three young girls and their family.  This wasn’t the type of change that an iphone or an Xbox brings- it is a change that was life-altering for that family.  Let’s think about our lives now:  we use our money at this time of year to often give gifts in excess or give gifts to people to who need nothing.  Often, we might even go into debt to offer these gifts that after a few days or weeks are forgotten.  The legend of Saint Nicholas should remind us that we should try to find truly meaningful gifts, and these are often not gifts that require money at all.

As Christmas day approaches, talk to your family about the real meaning of the celebration, Jesus Christ, and try telling them the story of Saint Nicholas and how gift giving in December began.  Try to help them appreciate that it is not the cost of the gift that matters, but the thought that the gift-giver put into it. Iphone 040813 261  If you have children, encourage them to make gifts, or to give gifts like doing chores, or giving a backrub to Mom.  Help them think about what each person in the family would really benefit from.  Talk to your spouse about this- can you both really afford gifts this year?  Or would you rather spend some time together, go for a walk, or watch their favorite movie?  Let this quality time be your new Christmas tradition. These lessons that you teach your family now will help them grow into the future- and will help them avoid the consumer-traps that are out there during the holiday season.

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