Welcome to Conspire’s Super Happy Fun Friday Link Time, a weekly collection of cool discoveries from around the Web. Most times the goal is to get you thinking differently about communication, collaboration, culture, and life in general. Other times…
5 pasos para mejorar la calificación de crédito
Ropa las cadenas del mal crédito. hoy les proveeré los 5 pasos a tomar par mejorar su puntuación de crédito.
5 pasos para mejorar la calificación de crédito (via PR Newswire)
Pagar las deudas a tiempo es uno de los factores más importantes WASHINGTON, PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ — Una buena calificación de crédito puede hacerle la vida más fácil a cualquiera. Quienes tienen un buen puntaje pueden…
Continue reading “5 pasos para mejorar la calificación de crédito”
Nuevo estudio de MassMutual revela que la educación financiera y la planificación son clave para los hispanos alcanzar el sueño americano
Les persento la importancia de enseñarle sobre el Potencial Millonario que tenemos para lograr obtener el sueño Americano en nuestra familia. Es posible vivir aquí en los EE.UU y no tener deudas de crédito, vehículo, o hipoteca. Yo, Felix A. Montelara lo he logrado y es pero que usted haga lo mismo y pronto. Espero que disfrutes de la información de estudio por MassMutal y veas que todos tenemos Potencial Millonario.
Felix A. Montelara
Autor & Protagonista: Potencial Millonario
Nuevo estudio de MassMutual revela que la educación financiera y la planificación son clave para los hispanos alcanzar el sueño americano (via PR Newswire)
La encuesta también identifica la desconexión entre lo que los hispanos dicen y hacen cuando se trata de la planificación financiera SPRINGFIELD, PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ — Para los hispanos parece que la…
Boxing Legend Felix “Tito” Trinidad Brought To His Knees By A 68 Million Investment Loss
Posted By Felix A. Montelara
Author: Potencial Millonario
Boxing legend Felix “Tito” Trinidad is brought to his knees by a 68 million investment loss. However, the knockout blow may be the reported debt of approximately nine million dollars.
Felix Trinidad, in an attempt to be responsible with his assets obtained a brokerage firm, “Popular Securities,” to manage his well-earned fortune. Now I’m going to explain how it is possible to lose an estimated 68 million dollars even if it is invested by a third party and you (or in this case Trinidad) are not monitoring the account. According to reports, José ‘Pepe’ Ramos was assigned by Popular Securities to handle Trinidad’s account. Ramos invested most if not all the money in bonds, according to news reports in Puerto Rico. The truth is that until September 2013, this type of investment was not risky on face value. The problem began in September 2013 when the markets (Moody’s and the S&P 500) downgraded Puerto Rico’s bonds to junk bond status, hence reducing Trinidad’s wealth (fortune). It is said that Trinidad began to see losses in his statement. Really? Red flag, anyone?
The second problem is that if it is true that Ramos invested 100% of Trinidad’s money in bonds only, we can all see an issue with assets allocation. In lay man words, Ramos placed all the eggs in one basket (Puerto Rico bonds). The right thing to do was to diversify into many assets across the market and invest in several different market sectors, as I would say, “A little of this and a little of that.” Truth be said it is unknown at this time if Trinidad asked to be conservative with his investments, or even if Ramos was authorized to invest without Trinidad’s consent. No one knows why Ramos decided to place everything into bonds. It is true that before September 2013, Puerto Rico bonds had good ratings in the market and benefited from a triple tax exemption and could be enticing- or as I would say it would have been “sexy” to invest in them for any portfolio at that time; however, never at 100% of any portfolio.
One must understand that Trinidad is a former professional athlete and a marvelous boxing World Champion. He is not a finance expert. He took prudent steps to preserve his fortune but that was not enough. The last blow brings Trinidad to his knees by a man without gloves in a suit. The lack of basic personal finance education hurt Trinidad as much as it hurts everyone else. Trinidad would have most likely have avoided this type of situation if he was well trained in personals finances. Its like training for a championship bout and not knowing the opponent. It is alleged that Trinidad noticed losses on his statement. In the boxing world that is like telegraphing a cross punch. With personal finance training Trinidad may have seen the knee dropping blow coming his way. When Trinidad
received his earning statement reports with some personal finance training he could have determined that all the eggs were in one basket and we all know in personal finances that is not a good thing.
Also with a good personal financial education a millionaire worth 68 plus may have not carried with an estimated nine million in debts. Why would Trinidad? Anyone trained or educated in the basics of personal finance knows that the debt is the most powerful opponent, who most likely provides the knock out blow when you are already down on your knees. But as they say in my neighborhood: “to late,” the money was invested and lost. The only controversy is whether Ramos was authorized by Trinidad to place the eggs in one basket. Ramos, along with Popular Securities, will defend themselves as if they were in a championship bout and the truth will be known in court.
If you were in Trinidad’s shoes, would you have the know-how to foresee that ultimately it is your responsibility to watch over your money?
Finally, we are celebrating Financial Literacy month in April. Wise up! Get educated in personal finance and do not allow yourself to be victimized due to financial ignorance. Remember, we all have “The Potential Millionaire.”
Los millonarios estadounidenses tienden una mano firme a sus herederos: Te ayudamos, pero abre tu propio camino
Dejan un legado que incluye dinero, pero se trata de mucho más que eso, según la encuesta de PNC – FILADELFIA, PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ — Más de cuatro de cada cinco millonarios estadounidenses (el 82 por ciento) coinciden…
Potencial Millonario Ep. 23 / The Potential Millionaire Ep. 23
En este episodio hablamos de los problemas entra la pareja en cuanto el asunto del dinero y como resolverlos para mejorar tu relación. También incluyo un resumen del libro Secretos de la mente millonaria por T. Harv Eker quien ha ayudado a mas de 1.5 millones de personas con el asunto de la mentalidad millonaria.
Hoy finalmente contesto preguntas que me han llegado vía Facebook, Twitter, Google+, y Potencialmillonario.com. Espero que disfrutes del programa de esta semana. Déjeme un comentario por su red social favorita o dele like en itunes o solo deje un comentario al 334 357 6410 .

Aumenta a 215 los Millonarios en Honduras
Redacción: redaccion@laprensa.hn
World Ultra Wealth realizó el reporte publicado por Wealth X.
Tegucigalpa. De los 8.5 millones de habitantes del país, 215 son millonarios.
La cifra fue revelada en el informe World ultra wealth report 2013 (Reporte mundial de ultrarricos 2013), publicado

por la firma Wealth X, que se dedica a estudios de inteligencia sobre millonarios en los cinco continentes, basándose en ingresos, pasiones, intereses filantrópicos, afiliaciones, política, asesores, familias y biografías. Dicho estudio indica que Latinoamérica es la única región del planeta donde la cantidad de multimillonarios se ha reducido.
En el área, Honduras ocupa el undécimo lugar de países con mayor cantidad de millonarios, superado solo por Guatemala en Centroamérica. Según el reporte de Wealth X, en Honduras hay 215 millonarios (10 más que en 2012), cuya fortuna alcanza los 30 billones de dólares estadounidenses.
El año pasado, el reporte daba cuenta de una población de 205 millonarios en Honduras, con una fortuna total de 27 billones, lo que indica que, si bien la cantidad de millonarios ha aumentado, su patrimonio no se ha incrementado notablemente.
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The Richest Man in Babylon – Audio
The Richest Man in Babylon is a Life Changing Novel using Parables set in Ancient Babylon to discuss Financial Progression and How to Acquire Riches. A Must Read for Success!
I read this book for the first time in 1988, while studying business administration at Southern New Hampshire University on a military campus. I must admit it was difficult for me to visualize the parables as applicable to me. However, in 2008, 20 years later I purchased a copy of the book at a thrift store. I reacquainted myself with the parables realizing they were very applicable. Today, I live by the teachings of the parables. I am financially free.
Felix A. Montelara
Author & Host Potencial Millonario and Author of Bulletproof Finances (Future Release 2014)
Se Gano la Loteria- Alerta de estafa sobre sorteos y lotería
Ganarse un premio siempre es una noticia inesperada, pero mas inesperado sera ser victima de una estafa creyendo que se gano un premio pero que en realidad esta perdiendo su dinero.